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Understanding the benefits of having a main list for each marketing channelHow to preview segmentsUnderstanding the difference between segments and listsHow to upload and segment with consentHow profiles are added to and removed from listsKlaviyo's default lists and segments referenceHow to export a list or segment to a CSV fileHow to clean your email list to maintain good deliverability
How to create and add subscribers to a new listHow to add subscribers to an existing listFormatting dates for CSV files referenceHow to migrate existing email subscribers (and unsubscribes) into KlaviyoList growth reporting referenceUnderstanding unsubscribes in KlaviyoHow to combine 2 or more lists in KlaviyoHow to remove suppressed profiles from a listHow to verify that new contacts are being added to a listUnderstanding the double opt-in processHow to find a list IDHow to find the unsubscribe link and unsubscribe page for a listHow to find the subscribe link for a list
How to define segments with AIGetting started with segmentsUnderstanding changes to how segment conditions evaluate null or empty valuesAND vs. OR referenceAdvanced segmentation referenceSegment conditions referenceSegmenting with dates referenceUnderstanding how segments updateHow to identify and reactivate an inactive segment
How to segment on channel consentHow to segment subscribers by assigned couponsHow to create an engaged segment of mobile push subscribersHow to identify iOS15 Mail Privacy Protection opensHow to create segments based on birthdaysHow to create a never engaged segmentHow to segment using average order value (AOV)How to create a non-opener segmentHow to segment for form resultsHow to create and target a segment of recent cart abandonersHow to create a not-opted-in segmentHow to segment by customer lifetime value (CLV)How to create email frequency segmentsHow to create a repeat purchaser segmentHow to create a cross sell segmentHow to create a location-based segmentHow to create an engaged segment of email subscribersHow to create a segment of VIP customersHow to create espresso shot segments
Creating a sending schedule based on email engagement referenceHow to create customer persona segments based on activityHow to allow subscribers to opt out of Mother's Day, Father's Day, and other holiday messagesHow to take a random sample of a list or segmentHow to customize content based on language
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