How to create segments based on birthdays

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Jan 9, 2025, 6:55 PM EST
You will learn

You will learn

Learn how to segment your audience based on birthday and view example segments that you can build in your own account.

With segmentation, you can group profiles by age and date of birth to better understand their interactions with your brand and send them targeted marketing content around their birthday. 

Before you begin

Before you begin

In order to segment based on birthday, you will first need to collect this information from your subscribers and store it in Klaviyo as a custom property. Collect birthdays in any of the following ways: 

For more information on how to collect properties and what you can do with them, head to our profile properties reference.

Birthdays must be in one of Klaviyo’s accepted date formats (e.g., MM/DD/YYYY). 

Segment based on birthday

Segment based on birthday

  1. Navigate to Audience > Lists & segments.
  2. Select Create New > Create segment.
  3. Within the segment builder, add this definition:
    • Properties about someone > Birthday and choose a date range
      A segment of profiles with a birthday in a particular month
Segment based on age

Segment based on age

You can also segment based on birthdate to target customers within a specific age bracket. 

  1. Navigate to Audience > Lists & segments.
  2. Select Create New > Create segment.
  3. Within the segment builder, add this definition: 
    • Properties about someone > Birthday > is between dates and choose a date range
      Millenial profile segment example

Date ranges are inclusive, so anyone born on the beginning and end dates of this range will be included in the segment.

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