How to find the unsubscribe link and unsubscribe page for a list

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Feb 24, 2025, 3:58 PM EST
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You will learn

Learn how to access a list's unsubscribe page editor and the shareable unsubscribe link you can provide to subscribers upon request.

An unsubscribe link takes a customer directly to your Klaviyo-hosted unsubscribe page for your given list. Note that, in addition to the link you can access through the process below, your subscribers can always click the unsubscribe link at the bottom of any email you send. 

Find the unsubscribe page for your list

Find the unsubscribe page for your list

To find the unsubscribe link for a list:

  1. Click Audience > Lists & segments in the Klaviyo sidebar.
  2. Click on a list (not segment).
  3. Click Subscribe & preference pages.
  4. Scroll to the Email unsubscribe page tile.
  5. Click Edit page.
Find the unsubscribe link for a list

Find the unsubscribe link for a list

To find the list's unsubscribe link:

  1. Click Audience > Lists & segments in the Klaviyo sidebar.
  2. Click on a list (not segment).
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Go to the Consent tab. 
    A shareable unsubscribe link in a list's settings
  5. Scroll down to the Unsubscribes section, where you will see your unsubscribe link.

The link provided in your list's settings can be manually shared with anyone who requests to unsubscribe. It's not necessary to include this link in your emails; instead, include a dynamic {% unsubscribe %} tag. 

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