How to add subscribers to an existing list

Estimated 4 minute read
Updated Nov 11, 2024, 10:27 AM EST
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You will learn

Learn how to add subscribers to an existing list by either uploading new contacts from a CSV file or using the Quick Add feature. This option is available for lists, not segments. Learn more about the difference between lists and segments

Add subscribers via upload

Add subscribers via upload

Note that, when you upload a CSV to a list that triggers a flow, the flow will begin sending to newly uploaded subscribers. If you do not want this to occur, set your flow to manual. After the import is complete, wait a few hours before going back into the flow and cancelling any pending sends for the people who you do not want to receive the email. Then, switch the flow back to live.

  1. Navigate to Audience > Lists & Segments.
  2. Select the list that you want to add subscribers to. Check the Type column to ensure you are selecting a list, not a segment, as you cannot manually add subscribers to a segment. 
    Audience type column.jpg
  3. Click the Manage list dropdown in the upper right-hand corner of your list. 
  4. Click Import contacts.
    The import contacts button
    If the option to import contacts does not appear, that means you either do not have the correct user permissions to upload contacts, or this is a segment, not a list. 
  5. Click Upload and select your CSV file of email subscribers. 
  6. Map each column from your CSV to an appropriate property in Klaviyo.
  7. If a property doesn't yet exist in Klaviyo, type in a new property name and click Create New Field
  8. Click Next.
  9. If you have explicit permission from everyone in your CSV file to send email marketing, select the option Yes, update subscription status for all imported contacts to subscribed. If your CSV file contains both emails and phone numbers, select which channel(s) they’ve subscribed to.
  10. Click Import.

Subscribing contacts via list upload indicates that you've received explicit consent to send email marketing to all the contacts in this upload. Manual suppressions and suppressions due to a recipient unsubscribing will be lifted when the upload is processed. 

Upload via copy/paste

Upload via copy/paste

As an alternative to uploading a CSV file, you can copy and paste a list of subscribers to upload them. 

  1. Navigate to Audience > Lists & Segments.
  2. Select the list that you want to add subscribers to.
  3. Click the Manage list dropdown in the upper right-hand corner. 
  4. Click Import contacts. If the option to import contacts does not appear, that means you either do not have the correct user permissions to upload contacts, or this is a segment, not a list. 
  5. Click Copy/Paste CSV beneath the bottom-left corner of the upload tool. 
    The button to switch to a copy/paste upload tool
  6. Paste contact information in this format:
    Email,First Name,Last Name,George,Washington,Abraham,Lincoln
  7. Click Next.
  8. Map each column from your upload to an appropriate property in Klaviyo.
  9. If you have explicit permission from everyone in your list to send email marketing, select the option Yes, update subscription status for all imported contacts to subscribed. If your list contains both emails and phone numbers, select which channel(s) they’ve subscribed to.
  10. Click Import.
Add subscribers via Quick Add

Add subscribers via Quick Add

If you would like to quickly add a handful of individuals to your list, you can use the Quick Add option instead.

  1. Navigate to the list you'd like to add the profile to.
  2. Click Quick Add.
    quick add.jpg
    If the Quick Add button does not appear, that means you either do not have the correct user permissions to upload contacts, or this is a segment, not a list. 
  3. On the following page, fill in the Email field.
  4. If the person has explicitly opted in to receive emails from you, check Profile has granted explicit consent to receive email marketing
  5. Click Add Subscriber.
Best practices

Best practices

A few things to keep in mind:

  • Never add contacts to a subscriber list that have not intentionally opted in — this is against Klaviyo’s Terms of Service.
  • We will automatically prevent subscribers from joining the same list more than once. This means that, if you are trying to import a file containing subscribers that are already on your list, you will notice that these duplicative records will not get added. For example, if you want to add a custom property to everyone in a list, you can safely re-upload the list with the custom property attached without creating duplicate profiles.
  • We will automatically skip email address entries that do not have a valid format. A valid email address such as is made up of a local part, an @ symbol, then a case-insensitive domain part. If any of the required parts of a valid email address are missing, we will consider the email invalid. If there are erroneous spaces in the email address, we will also consider the email invalid.
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