Understanding how Klaviyo billing works

Estimated 16 minute read
Updated Mar 12, 2025, 10:48 AM EST

Only Owners and Admins can edit Klaviyo billing settings. 

You will learn

You will learn

Learn how Klaviyo bills customers for profiles and emails, SMS, reviews, Advanced KDP (formerly “CDP”), and Marketing Analytics.  

This article is only for customers who are not using manual billing (i.e., are on a contract). 

About the changes in billing structure

About the changes in billing structure

As of February 18, 2025, the following changes will apply to your account starting at your next billing cycle:

  • If your account has more active profiles than your plan allows, you will be moved to a plan that covers the number of active profiles (i.e., a profile-compliant plan).
    • The new plan may include more emails than you currently send.   
  • For the profile and email plans and the SMS plans, there’s a new flexible sending option (i.e., “flexing up”), which allows you to purchase messages and profiles from a higher tier for a single billing cycle. 
    • You can set your account to auto-downgrade based on the number of active profiles in your account if using flexible sending. 
  • Any previous billing upgrade choices (e.g., if you enabled auto-upgrade) will stay the same in your account. 

The information in this article describes your plan options, including these new changes.

View your billing plans

View your billing plans

To view your plans, follow these steps: 

  1. Click your organization’s name in the bottom left corner.
  2. Click Billing.

Once in the Overview tab, you’ll be able to view your plans. 

You can also view the cost of other Klaviyo plans when changing plans. To do so:  

  1. Select your account name in the bottom left. 
  2. Navigate to Billing > Change plan
  3. Open the dropdown under a plan type to view all the plans.
  4. Select a plan to view its cost. 
Understand the different plan types 

Understand the different plan types 

All Klaviyo plans are billed on a monthly basis, which starts the day you begin a paid plan. 

There are 5 products available: 

  • Profile and email (i.e., the base plan)
  • SMS 
  • Reviews 
  • Advanced KDP (previously called CDP)
  • Marketing Analytics
When do billing plans renew? 

All Klaviyo plans renew on a monthly basis. The exact date depends on your personal billing cycle:

  • Free plans always renew on the first of the month.
  • Paid plans renew on the date your account began to pay for Klaviyo.

To view when your billing cycle renews:

  1. Click your organization name in the lower-left corner. 
  2. Click Billing.
  3. Review the dates for your cycle, which are at the top of the page in the Overview tab.
Profile and email (i.e., the base product)

Profile and email (i.e., the base product)

Profile and email plans are based on both the number of:

  • Active profiles in your account.
  • Emails sent during the current billing cycle.
What are active profiles?

Any profile, regardless of consent status, that can be emailed through Klaviyo is considered an active profile. This includes your subscribers and those who are added by general engagement (such as sharing their email on a store’s checkout page but not actually opting in).

This means that if you have 7,000 active profiles, your plan must allow for at least that amount. 

Your emails can be to any of your active profiles. You can send an equal amount across all of your profiles (10 to each), or send more to certain groups and less to others (e.g., 100 to group A, and 1 to group B).



The SMS plans are dependent entirely on message credits; i.e., how many text messages you want to send per month.

Note that the number of credits required when sending text messages depends on 3 key factors: 

  • Where the subscribers are located 
  • The type of messages you send
  • The number of message segments 
What is a message segment? 

Text messages allow for a certain number of characters: 

  • SMS has a limit of 160 characters normally, but only 70 characters when there's an emoji or special character. 
  • MMS always allows up to 1600 characters. 

If you exceed this character amount for a send, your text is broken into message segments so it can be delivered. 

When a text contains multiple message segments, it still shows a single message on the recipient’s phone. 

Additionally, to render these segments in the correct order, an invisible header of about 7 characters is added to all message segments. This means that rather than 160 characters, you'll instead have a 153 character limit. 

As an example, say you want to send a single SMS to 100 people: 50 to the United States and 50 to Canada. The table below breaks down the credit cost:

CountryCredit# or recipientsMessage segmentsTotal
United States15011 x 50 x 1 = 50
Canada35013 x 50 x 1 = 150
 50 + 150 = 200

See this article for a full breakdown of credits by country. Note that while skipped and inbound messages do not cost credits, failed deliveries do. Further, short codes are billed separately from the SMS product. 

Klaviyo Reviews

Klaviyo Reviews

Klaviyo Reviews is only available for Shopify and WooCommerce stores.

By using this product, you can collect, display, and manage your product reviews. 

Klaviyo Reviews pricing is based on how many orders are placed on your website each month.  

What counts as an “order”?

"Order" means when a "Ready to review" event is generated in the Klaviyo platform based on Customer's configuration. Each Ready to review event counts toward your Klaviyo reviews plan. A Ready to review event is triggered when:

  • A certain number of days have elapsed since the order was fulfilled or delivered, depending on your settings, and
  • The order is eligible for reviews

You can make a product, customer, or order ineligible for reviews by applying the klaviyo_reviews_exclude tag to that item in your ecommerce platform. 

Orders that are ineligible for review do not count toward your plan limit. The klaviyo_reviews_exclude tag does not apply retroactively (i.e., if a review request has already been sent, applying this tag cannot undo that action and it will still count toward your Klaviyo reviews billing plan).  

Marketing Analytics

Marketing Analytics

Marketing Analytics provides actionable customer and product insights that enable you to enrich your marketing strategy with additional data and use cases for better personalization. Marketing Analytics is not included in Klaviyo’s base email and profiles plan, and a subscription is required to access the associated functionality. 

Marketing Analytics is priced based on your active profile count, starting at $100 per month for up to 13,500 active profiles.

What are active profiles?

Any profile, regardless of consent status, that can be emailed through Klaviyo is considered an active profile. This includes your subscribers and those who are added by general engagement (such as sharing their email on a store’s checkout page but not actually opting in).

This means that if you have 7,000 active profiles, your plan must allow for at least that amount. 

CDP (renamed to Advanced KDP)

CDP (renamed to Advanced KDP)

CDP is rebranding to Advanced KDP. Currently, you’ll see CDP in the billing pages, and Advanced KDP in Klaviyo’s main navigation. From here, we’ll refer to it as “Advanced KDP.”

Advanced KDP is not included in Klaviyo’s base email and profiles plan, and a subscription is required to access the associated functionality. 

Since Advanced KDP allows you to better understand all customers (not just the ones you send to), the plans are based on total profiles in your Klaviyo account. 

Total profiles comprises any profile that is stored and tracked in Klaviyo, including:

  • Subscribers (email, SMS, push, etc.)
  • Suppressions
  • Non-subscribers

You can view your profile count by going to Audience > Profiles.

Why Advanced KDP is based on total profiles and not active profiles

With Advanced KDP, you are able to activate, transform, and analyze all profiles as well as the data associated with them. It doesn’t simply cover the profiles you’re marketing to (i.e., your active profiles). 

This functionality helps you better understand your customers, their behaviors, and trends in order to refine your marketing and business strategies.

Here are some ways you can get smarter across their entire customer base, even if they are suppressed: 

  • Identify ways and segments of customers to re-engage by reviewing historical trends through RFM analysis and audience performance comparison. 
  • Decrease your unsubscribe rate by identifying patterns in opt-out behavior via funnel analysis. 
  • Personalize on-site experiences, regardless of subscription status, by using the Group membership API.
  • Transform profile properties, promote data hygiene, and create a customer source of truth for trusted analysis via data transformation.
What happens if you reach your plan’s limits

What happens if you reach your plan’s limits

What happens when you reach your plan’s limits depends on what type of product it is: email and SMS, Reviews, Advanced KDP, or Marketing Analytics. 

Email and SMS

Email and SMS

For marketing products, what happens varies by which limit you reached (i.e., profile or send) as well as your product type:

Profile limit

When you exceed your plan’s active profile limit, Klaviyo does not stop you from sending or adding additional profiles. However, you are notified and automatically upgraded as of your next billing cycle. This is different from auto-upgrade, which is an optional setting that moves you to the next tier when you reach your message limit. 

If you don’t want to be upgraded, you can manage your active profiles to stay within your current plan limits

If you are on the free email and profiles plan and are over your profile limit, you won’t be upgraded but you also cannot send emails (or set flow emails llive) until you are under your active profile limit. 

Send or credit limit

When your account reaches your plan’s sending limits (i.e., emails or SMS credits), there are 3 options you can choose from. You can:

  • Flex plans (i.e., use flexible sending), which provides the next tier’s amount of sends in full. The cost to flex is based on the unit pricing of your base plan (the plan you started the month on).
  • Upgrade (manually or via auto-upgrade) to a higher-tiered plan. Upgrading is generally more economical than flex sending if your upgrade needs are consistent.
  • Stop all sending until the next billing cycle.

Want more information about these options? Jump ahead to this billing preferences section



Review plans are similar to email and SMS plans, but are based on orders from your store rather than messages.  

If your plan allows you 20 Oorders, you can send review requests for only those orders. When you reach your plan’s limit, you can either upgrade manually or pause sending review requests until your billing cycle renews. 

Advanced KDP 

Advanced KDP 

As mentioned, CDP is being renamed to Advanced KDP. Currently, you’ll see CDP in the billing pages, and Advanced KDP in Klaviyo’s main navigation. 

Advance KDP plans are priced so that you pay based on the selected plan and for overages beyond that plan.  

There is a usage fee for exceeding a plan’s limits. The fee is defined as: the number of profiles that exceed your current tier (in 1,000s) multiplied by the price per 1,000 profiles at the current tier. 

Example of usage fee

Say that the company Funky T-shirts pays $4,765 per month for a Advanced KDP plan that allows 1 million profiles. However, the next month, their profile count grows to 1.52 million, exceeding their plan by 520,000. 

Instead of forcing Funky T-shirts to upgrade to the next tier (2 million profiles at $9,100), they pay a usage fee that is: 

  • Number of 1,000 profiles that exceed the current tier: 520
  • Price per 1,000 profiles at the current tier: $4.77
  • Total usage fee: $2,480.40. 

This means that between their plan ($4,765) and usage fee ($2,480.40), the total cost is $7,245.40. This is less than what Funky T-shirts would pay if they upgraded. Unlike with other products (where you pay before), this fee is billed after usage.

Generally, if you’re using less than 85% of the next tier up, it is more cost-efficient to incur the usage fee. Once you’re using 85% or more of the next tier, it’s better to upgrade.

The fee is applied to the next month’s invoice. 

Marketing Analytics 

Marketing Analytics 

Marketing Analytics plans are priced based on active profiles, so your plan automatically upgrades or downgrades based on the number of active profiles in your account at the end of your billing cycle. Your plan is automatically upgraded at the start of the next billing cycle. 

Upgrading and downgrading your billing plan

Upgrading and downgrading your billing plan

You can upgrade or downgrade at any time during the billing cycle, but please note: 

  • Upgrading takes effect immediately and is permanent until you choose to downgrade.
    • Whenever you upgrade, the cost per message goes down, meaning you get a better deal as you go up tiers.
  • Downgrading takes effect at the start of your next billing cycle. 
    • You cannot downgrade to a plan if you have more active profiles than that lower-tiered plan allows. 
    • Klaviyo does not issue refunds if you downgrade in the middle of a billing cycle, as stated in our terms of service.
    • If you choose to downgrade, but then upgrade (either manually or automatically), the downgrade is canceled. 
    • The only time downgrades take effect sooner than the next billing cycle is if you:
      • Cancel your plan(s).
      • Close your account and choose for it to take effect immediately.
How to change plans
  1. Select your account name in the lower left. 
  2. Click Billing
  3. Select Change plan.
  4. Open the dropdown for the plan type you want to change.
  5. Choose your plan. 
    1. To downgrade your email and profiles plan, your account must have fewer active profiles than the plan you want to change to. 
  6. Click Continue to payment to confirm the plan change. 

Klaviyo also provides several settings you can use to automatically switch plans: 

Klaviyo settingBased onAvailable for
*Automatically upgrade (also called auto-upgrade) Messages


Email and profile

Flexible sendingMessages

Email and profile

SMS (only for accounts on $495+ plans)

**Auto-downgrade   ProfilesEmail and profiles only when using flexible sending
Manually upgrade (the None option)AnythingAll plans, except Marketing Analytics

* Both the Marketing Analytics as well as emails profiles are automatically upgraded based on profiles. However, this is not a setting you can turn off.  

** Auto-downgrading based on profiles happens automatically for Marketing Analytics, so it’s not a setting you can turn on or off. 

You can switch between these options at any time. 

How to choose a different upgrade/downgrade option
  1. Select your account name in the lower left. 
  2. Go to Billing > Preferences.
  3. Find the plan you want to change options for (e.g., email, SMS, etc.).
  4. Open the dropdown.
  5. Select one of the following options to change what happens when that plan type reaches its plan limits:
    1. None to stop sending or manually upgrade.
    2. Automatically upgrade to enable auto-upgrade.
    3. Flexible sending to flex plans.
  6. Note the cost associated with upgrading or flexible sending.
  7. Click Update to save.
Use flexible sending 

Use flexible sending 

Flexible sending is only available for email and SMS plans. Flexible sending is not available for Reviews, Advanced KDP, and Marketing Analytics plans.

When you hit your plan’s limit while using flexible sending, it is a 1-time add-on of all of the profiles and messages included in the next highest tier without permanently upgrading your account. This way, you stay on your current plan and don’t need to worry about downgrading before the next billing cycle.

The amount it costs to flex is based on the unit cost of your current plan and the capacity in the following tier(s). Flexing is a 1-time purchase that includes all of the capacity in the next tier (credits for SMS, profiles and messages for email) at the unit rate of your current plan. This means that while there are no additional fees to flex, it generally costs more than upgrading, as upgrading makes you eligible for a reduced cost per unit with a higher volume.

You can check how much it will cost to flex either in the Billing Preferences tab or at checkout.

Who is flexible sending best for?

Flexible sending is best for people who occasionally need extra sends during the year and who want to go back to their original plan once these times are over. It is not optimal for those who are growing consistently and frequently need more profiles or messages throughout the year.

Example of flexing up plans

Say that Funky T-shirts pays $7,000 for an emails and profiles plan that allows 7,000 profiles and 70,000 emails. However, next month is Black Friday/Cyber Monday, and they’ll need to send 80,000 emails. 

Rather than permanently upgrade their account, Funky T-shirts can flex up: 

  • Plan cost ($7,000) / number of emails (70,000)  = current unit rate (0.1)
  • Difference in the number of emails for next tier (80,000) and current tier (70,000) = 10,000
  • Flex cost: $1,000
When to upgrade vs. flex plans

Flexing is typically more expensive than upgrading. When you flex plans, you are buying all of the profiles, sends, or credits of the next tier at the cost per message of your current tier. If you are frequently flexing plans, it can be more cost effective to upgrade.

Flexing is better if you don’t consistently exceed your plan’s limits. It’s also good for anyone who doesn’t want to worry about remembering to downgrade.

What are unit rates? 

In Klaviyo, the unit rate is essentially the cost of 1 message. You can calculate unit rate by dividing the number of messages in a plan by its cost. 

# of message / cost of plan 

Auto-downgrading based on profiles

Auto-downgrade is:

  • Available for profiles plans only when using flexible sending
  • Always on for Marketing Analytics plans 

You cannot auto-downgrade based on message sends. 

You can choose to auto-downgrade your profiles and email plan in Klaviyo’s billing preferences page. Your plan will automatically downgrade to the lowest tier that can cover your active profile count 24 hours before the end of your billing cycle. The downgrade goes into effect for the next billing cycle. 

Automatically upgrade based on messages (also called auto-upgrade) 

Automatically upgrade based on messages (also called auto-upgrade) 

Auto-upgrading your messages is only available for the email and profiles plan and SMS plan. It automatically moves you to the next tier when you reach your messaging limit. It does not apply when you reach your profile limit, since Klaviyo now enforces profiles. 

Klaviyo automatically upgrades based on profiles for email and profiles as well as Marketing Analytics plans. 

Available to auto-upgradeNot available to auto-upgrade
SMSAdvanced KDP

This feature ensures you don’t hit monthly sending limits so that you can continue to send SMS, email, and automated flows unimpeded. 

What happens when I’m automatically upgraded?

After you turn on auto-upgrade:

  1. When you either:
    • Reach your plan's message limits (e.g., if your plan allows for 2,000 emails, but you try to send more).
    • Schedule a campaign that will take you over your message limit for the current billing window.
  2. Auto-upgrade moves you to the next plan up.
    Note: you can be auto-upgraded at any time in the billing cycle.
  3. As soon as the account is upgraded, an email is sent to the owner informing them of this change.
  4. Once you're on this next level of plan, you will stay there until you choose to downgrade, upgrade, or are auto-upgraded. You will not be auto-downgraded.

When you upgrade, you pay the difference between your base plan (i.e., the plan you entered the billing cycle with) and the plan you’re upgrading to during that first month. 

It is recommended that you upgrade (rather than flexing) if you have flexed more than a few times a year, it can be more cost effective.

Manually upgrade or stop sending: use the None option  

Manually upgrade or stop sending: use the None option  

If you want to manually choose when you upgrade or to stop sending when you reach your plan’s limits, you can set your billing upgrade preference to the None option. 

This means that you won’t be able to send any flow and campaign messages, and any messages scheduled during the current billing cycle will be canceled. However, if you decide to upgrade or flex plans, you can resume sending.

Adjust credit card details

Adjust credit card details

Klaviyo does not support multiple credit cards in a single account. If you purchase a plan with a different credit card than the one in your account, this changes the credit card on file. If your payment ever fails, the account Owner and billing contact will be alerted via email.

For details on how to change the credit card on file, check out our article on how to update your credit card information. To see invoices and other details regarding your recent charges, select Billing > Payment History.

Additional resources

Additional resources

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