How to find and update your tax ID in Klaviyo

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Jan 3, 2025, 3:56 PM EST

Only Owners and Admins can view or change the tax ID

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Learn how to add and update tax ID in Klaviyo. After you add this information, you will be able to view your tax ID on all future billing invoices. Tax ID may be required in some cases. 

The label on your tax ID input may differ depending on your selected billing country. For example, your country’s tax ID may instead be referred to as a VAT number or GST number in Klaviyo. See our glossary of tax IDs by country for more information on the country’s tax ID information Klaviyo supports.

How does Klaviyo collect the tax ID?

Klaviyo collects your value added tax (VAT) or goods and services tax (GST) ID based on the ID you provide. If you do not have a tax ID, you can check the box for no tax ID

View or change your tax ID 

View or change your tax ID 

If Klaviyo already has your tax ID stored, we will auto-populate a value in the tax ID field of your account. That being said, if your company has multiple tax IDs, please input the one in your parent account that matches your billing address.

We will try to determine and pre-fill the tax ID type based on the country code and any associated logic we have for your business. If you need to change or add tax ID type for any reason, select the option that best fits your country of business.

To update or view your tax ID:

  1. Navigate to your billing Preferences page by selecting your account name and then Billing > Preferences.
    Billing preferences tab
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to find the Tax ID section. 
  3. Under Tax ID, click the dropdown to choose the specific country associated with your business.
    Tax ID section where the country dropdown is opened
  4. Type in your unique tax ID. You can only select one tax ID per account.
  5. Click Update Tax ID

Once saved, this information will remain in Klaviyo and appear in any future billing invoices.

Locate tax ID on invoices

Locate tax ID on invoices

If a tax ID is populated in your account, you will have access to it on any billing invoices sent after it was added.

To navigate to an individual invoice to find this information:

  1. Navigate to the Payment history tab under Billing.
  2. Click into your desired invoice.
    Example of an account's payment history
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