Analytics glossary

Estimated 13 minute read
Updated Feb 10, 2025, 4:42 PM EST
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The glossary below defines common terms and acronyms used in Klaviyo analytics and data offerings.



30d (Δ): the total count of each metric over the last 30 days; in parenthesis is the difference of the metrics total count over the last 30 days minus the metric's total count from the prior 30 days.

30-day analytics snapshot: shown when you click on any message card within a flow; here, you will see a snapshot of analytics from the last 30 days (e.g., flow messages waiting to send, messages that need review, deliverability metrics, and attributed revenue and conversions).



Activity feed: for any given metric, you can view the most recent events for your chosen metric. This feed displays the profile’s name, email address, details about the activity, and the date and time the activity occurred.

Activity Map: for any given metric, this map allows you to visualize how, from where, and how often your customers interact with your brand.

Advanced Reports: option within the form, campaign, and flow performance overviews; includes a breakdown of different key metrics for a given form, campaign, or flow over time.

All-time: for a given metric, the total count over all time.

Average daily click through rate: Get a sense of the click through rate of all your emails at a glance.

Average daily open rate (by email domain): get a sense of the open rate of all your emails at a glance. If you group this by email domain, you can get a sense of how different inbox providers are treating your emails.

Average order value: the total monetary value of your conversions (orders) divided by the number of conversions (orders that took place); note that this will only be populated if you have a Placed Order metric in your account.

Average time between orders: the average number of days between each of a customer's orders.



Best People: a tool that allows you to pinpoint your most engaged profiles for a given metric. When you click into this option, you’ll see a list of your top active people for this metric with details around their metric activity.

Bounced: total count and percentage of emails bounced for the selected timeframe in the chart. A bounce occurs when an email is either not successfully delivered or is rejected by the recipient's email provider. A high number of bounces can negatively impact your deliverability rate.

Bounce rate: the number of bounced addresses divided by the total number of recipients.

Business Health Check: an analytics dashboard view that provides analytics for an overall view of your business' health; key metrics include revenue, order information, and user activity.

Business Overview: an analytics dashboard view that includes analytics to show your business' performance on a broad scale for a general overview; some key metrics include placed orders, active on site, and revenue per recipient.



Campaigns overview: allows you to see all campaign data in one place; key metrics are open rate, click rate, and conversions across all of your campaigns.

Campaign Performance Overview Report: provides insight into how individual campaign sends perform so you can easily monitor deliverability and conversion metrics. Found by clicking into a specific sent campaign, this report shows the performance overview, recipient or link activity, conversions, advanced reports, and live performance for the campaign.

Campaign Performance Report: a custom report that allows you to analyze campaign-specific engagement and conversion trends over time.

Campaign Trends Report: a report that tracks overall email campaign performance over time in a series of graphs that focus on clicks, opens, and overall recipients.

Charts: a tool that provides a dynamic line graph and accompanying table where you can view your most recent activity data for any given metric.

Churn risk prediction: the probability of a customer churning based on their number and frequency of orders. In the visualization of churn risk in a given profile, each time the customer makes an order, their churn probability goes down (green), but as time elapses between orders, the churn probability increases (red). A medium churn risk is represented in yellow.

Clicked (%): count of unique clicks divided by the count of deliveries in the timeframe selected at the top of the page.

Clicks per person: the average number of clicks among people who clicked (unique clicks divided by total clicks).

Click rate: the percentage of people who clicked a link in your message out of the people received it.

Click through rate: the percentage of people who clicked a link in your message out of the people who opened it.

Closed form: metric is tracked whenever a visitor closes a Klaviyo form.

Cohorts: groups of profiles that share common characteristics for any given metric (e.g., the date of their first site visit), which can help you analyze retention and churn. A cohort report measures the activity, engagement, and retention of this group over time.

Collections: shows a list of the groupings you have set that pertain to products ordered from this email, the number of conversions, and the total value of these orders.

Completed form: metric tracked when a visitor reaches the success or final reachable step of a form.

Consented to Receive SMS: metric for when a recipient confirms that they want to receive your messages.

Conversion metric: the metric set, such as Ordered Product, in a graph, table, or visualization in Klaviyo. If you see discrepancies throughout your account, make sure that your metrics match in the areas you’re looking at.

Conversions from Klaviyo (KAV): the sum of all Klaviyo attribute conversions for a select timeframe.

Count: total count of events (for a given metric) for the listed profile over all time.

Customer lifetime value: the total amount, both past and predicted, that a customer will purchase from your brand over time.

Custom reports: a feature found within your account’s Analytics tab; contains pre-built reports that you can choose from and further customize to suit your business needs and conduct an in-depth analysis of your performance over time.



Dropped email: When an email was not sent because the email address is suspicious.



Email Overview: an analytics dashboard view that includes all campaign and flow email data; when monitoring deliverability, you can look here for bounce rates, spam complaints, and unsubscribe.

Engagement over time by age of profile: showcases the engagement of your unsuppressed customers over time by how long they have been in your Klaviyo account.

Engagement Reports: break down how engaged a group of profiles is, making it easy for you to understand the quality of the lists and segments you're sending to.

Expected date of next order: predictive analytics tool that gives you the ability to predict when your customers will complete their next order. It takes into account the specific customer’s order behavior and the order behavior of all your customers, recognizing patterns and making predictions accordingly.



Failed to Deliver SMS: metric for when a message is sent but not delivered to the recipient.

Flows Overview: an analytics dashboard view that allows you to see all flow data in one place; keep track of which flows perform best and which need tweaking with key metrics like open rates, click rates, and attribution rates.

Flows Performance Report: a custom report that you can use to gain a deeper understanding of overall or granular flow performance across your key metrics.

Forms Overview: an analytics dashboard view that includes all form data; some key metrics are form submit rate, total viewed form, average daily unsubscribe rate, and total submitted forms.

Form submit rate: the rate at which customers submit a signup form through Klaviyo; i.e., the ratio of submitted forms divided by the amount of views that the form has. The median form submit rate for popups and flyouts is 2.3%.



Growth Breakdown Chart: a chart within the List Growth Report that shows the total number of subscribes and unsubscribes, broken down by when they took place.



Historic CLV: the total value of all previous orders an individual has made. The total number of orders is displayed below this value.



Key performance indicators: metrics that identify how successful your business is in achieving its goals and maintaining good deliverability (e.g., open rate, click rate, conversion rate, etc.). They are also called KPIs or performance indicators.



Last click: the timestamp of the most recent clicked email or SMS event for a specific message.

Last open: the timestamp of the most recent opened email event for this specific email.

Link specific % of clicks: the number of unique clicks on an individual link divided by the number of unique clicks for all links in the email or SMS.

Lists & Segments Dashboard: dashboard view that displays the lists and segments that you mark as most important in your account. Below the list or segment name is the date and timestamp of its creation, and to the right is information around the members it holds.

List Growth Report: allows you to see a list’s growth over time. This report helps you understand your profile acquisition and attrition for each list in your account. In this report, you can see the sources from which profiles come in or out of your account to ensure that your marketing dollars are directed toward the most valuable acquisition methods.

List Size Chart: a chart within the list growth report that shows the total number of profiles in the list for a specific time frame along with the percentage of subscribes by date.



Marked as spam: the count of unique spam complaints over all time.

Merged profile: when two profiles merge together, one merges “into” the other; the remaining single profile will have this metric tracked.

Metric ID: the six-digit ID associated with a given metric. To find the metric ID, navigate to Analytics > Metrics and click into a metric. The metric ID will display within the URL of that page.

Multi-Metric Report: a custom report that you can use to create a cross-functional report that lets you understand your performance across multiple metrics.



Needs Review: if your flow message is (or was at some point) in manual mode, this tab shows the total number of people who are ready to receive the message; messages to this group will not send automatically, so you must review them first.



Opened (%): count of unique opens divided by the count of deliveries in the timeframe selected at the top of the page.

Open rate: the rate at which your customers open your emails (the number of individuals opening your email divided by the number of recipients).

Open rate by age of profile: showcases the open rate (opened emails divided by delivered) for profiles over time, based on how long they have been in your Klaviyo account.

Owned revenue: revenue that is attributed to your owned channels (e.g., email, SMS, push, and forms) sent through Klaviyo.



Placed order rate: The number of placed orders associated with a message. In other words, orders placed within the channel's attribution window divided by the number of unique recipients of that message.

Performance by country: the percentage of unique opens in each country where an email recipient was located.

Performance by email client: the percentage of unique opens based on which email client used (e.g., desktop or mobile).

Performance by email domain: the sent, bounced, opened, clicked, and converted email percentages broken down by the specific email domains of your recipients (e.g., Gmail, Yahoo, AOL, etc.).

Performance Dashboard: dashboard view that gives a detailed overview of how your different communication channels perform as well as suggestions for areas of improvement.

Predicted CLV: a prediction of how much money a particular customer will spend in the next year. The total number of predicted orders is displayed below this value.

Predicted Gender: the predicted gender for a given profile. This is a part of Klaviyo's predictive analytics features, however, it will not appear in a customer profile.

Predictive analytics: predicted data about your profiles that is built on a data science framework. You will only see predictive analytics data in profiles when you meet the following conditions: at least 500 customers have placed an order, you have an ecommerce integration or use our API to send placed orders, you have at least 180 days of order history and have orders within the last 30 days, and you have at least some customers who have placed three or more orders.

Product Performance Report: a custom report that you can use to analyze product performance across three key funnel metrics: browse, checkout, and purchase.



Received SMS: metric for when Klaviyo has recorded that your recipient has received an SMS.

$/Recipient: revenue from Klaviyo divided by the number of delivered flows and campaigns.

Recipients: the count of messages that were sent to recipients over all time.

Revenue by attributed flow: the revenue attributed to all of your flows within the timeframe you select, which can help you measure a flow's performance.

Revenue by attributed (by email type): the revenue attributed to all of your emails within the selected timeframe, which will help you compare how much revenue your campaigns generate compared to your flows.

Revenue from Klaviyo (KAV): the sum of all Klaviyo attribute revenue for a select timeframe.

Revenue per recipient: your total revenue attributed to an email or SMS for a given timeframe divided by the total number of people who have received a message within that same timeframe. This can give you a sense of how much revenue you're earning on average for each person you send to.



Sent SMS: metric for when someone texted your destination number to subscribe.

Signup Form Overview Report: a report that breaks down form performance over time with information around the form name, status, type, views, submits, etc. You can toggle between the Overview, Advanced Reports, and A/B Test Results to get a comprehensive view of how your form is performing.

Single Metric Deep Dive Report: a custom report that you can use to create granular reports on a single metric (e.g., Placed Order); you can then hone in on trends and patterns for this specific aspect of your business.

Skipped: the count of recipients that were skipped from getting your message; this happens when they have a certain status associated with their profile (e.g., they are suppressed, failed flow filters, or send failed).

SKU: a list of the specific products ordered from this email that are identified by their stockkeeping unit (a mix of numbers and letters), the number of conversions, and the total value of these orders.

Smart Send Time Report: the data from campaigns sent using smart send time.

Spam complaints (%): count of unique spam complaints divided by the count of deliveries in the timeframe selected.

Spam complaint rate: the number of spam complaints from a particular email divided by the total number of recipients.

Spam complaint rate (by email domain): gives you a sense of which inbox provider is experiencing the highest percentage of spam complaints so you can get a handle on potential deliverability issues by inbox provider.

Submitted form: metric tracked whenever a visitor submits a form step that has a submit action tied to it (e.g., Submit and Go to next step, Submit opt-in code, Submit form and Go to URL); it won't count if the form step's submit action is only Go to URL or Close form. If a form has both a Submit Form and Go to URL actions, it will only count the event when someone submits the form.

Subscribed to Back in Stock: metric triggered when a recipient subscribes to be notified about an item being back in stock.

Subscribed to List: metric triggered when someone opts into a list.

Successful deliveries: total count and percentage of emails delivered to your subscribers; it won’t include emails that bounce, regardless of whether it’s a hard bounce due to a permanent error (e.g., false email) or soft bounce due to a temporary error (e.g., a full inbox).



Total active on site: the number of people who visited your site in a given timeframe.

Total opens: total count of emails opened for the selected timeframe (accounts for all opens made by recipients; can be more than one per recipient).

Total clicks: total count of clicks (accounts for all clicks made by recipients; can be more than one per recipient), for each link in the message, over all time.

Total CLV: the sum of historic CLV and predicted CLV.

Total placed order: a total count of the number of Placed Order events over a given timeframe.

Total revenue: the sum of all revenue for a select timeframe.

Total value of revenue (by campaign): groups the amount of revenue per campaign you sent within the timeframe you select.

Total value of revenue (by items): groups the amount of revenue per item you sold within the timeframe you select.



Unique clicks: the unique count of clicks (one click per recipient), for each link in the email or SMS, over all time.

Unique click rates: the number of individuals clicking a link in your email or SMS divided by the number of recipients.

Unique open rates: the number of individuals opening your email or SMS divided by the number of recipients (as opposed to total opens, which measure the total number of times an email was opened).

Unique opens: the unique count of opens (one open per recipient), for each email or SMS, over all time.

Unsubscribed: the count of unique unsubscribes over all time; on a profile it is when someone unsubscribes from emails globally.

Unsubscribed from List: a metric triggered when someone unsubscribes from a specific list.

Unsubscribed from SMS: metric for when a recipient texts STOP and unsubscribes from your SMS messages.

Unsubscribe rate: the number of recipients who unsubscribe divided by the total number of recipients — this is measured on a per campaign basis, or you can view the list growth report for a particular list.

Unsubscribes (%): count of unique unsubscribes divided by the count of deliveries in the timeframe selected at the top of the page.

UTM tracking (LINK): uses snippets of code, called UTM parameters, that are applied to your brand’s URLs to track how customers reach your site.

UTM variation letters: allow you to compare the performance and link activity when A/B testing your campaign and flow emails. For example, if you have three variations of a campaign and want to find out which directs the most traffic to your site, label them with letters — such as a, b, and c.



Value: total monetary value of a profile's events (for a given metric) over all time.

Viewed Form: metric tracked whenever a site visitor views a form.



Waiting: the count of queued emails within a flow that will be sent in the future.

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