How to close a portfolio account

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Jan 31, 2025, 8:49 AM EST

You must be the Portfolio Owner to close a portfolio.

You will learn

You will learn

Learn how to close a portfolio account in Klaviyo, which permanently deletes the portfolio and its metrics. Closing a portfolio unlinks all accounts, but has no other impact on any linked account. 

This article only includes instructions for portfolios. For information about closing a regular account, see how to cancel, close, or downgrade an account to free

Close a portfolio

Close a portfolio

Closing a portfolio deletes it and any data in that portfolio.

Once deleted, you cannot recover the portfolio. Instead, you must recreate it by manually linking each account again and re-establishing the metrics. 

  1. If you are the Portfolio Owner, click the account name in the bottom left. 
  2. Select Settings > Portfolio.
    Settings page, highlighting the Portfolio tab
  3. Scroll down to the Close portfolio section
  4. Select the Close portfolio button. 
  5. Choose the reason why you’re closing the portfolio: 
    • Consolidating portfolios
      • We are consolidating portfoliose
    • Issue with portfolio
      • Portfolio is difficult to use.
      • Portfolio doesn't have the features or functionality I want.
      • Portfolio has issues or bugs.
    • Other
      • Testing out portfolio
      • No longer needed 
        close portfolio reason.png
  6. Optional: tell us more about why you're closing, so Klaviyo can make improvements. 
  7. Select Continue in the upper right. 
  8. Export the following before continuing by clicking the Export CSV buttons: 
    • Billing
    • Metrics
  9. Select Continue in the upper right.
  10. Confirm the name of the portfolio (it is not case sensitive). 
    confirm portfolio name before closing.png
  11. When you are ready to finish deleting this portfolio, select Close portfolio.
    • This action deletes all of the portfolio’s data. 

Once you close a portfolio, you are logged out of Klaviyo. You need to sign back in to access another account. 

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