Understanding your push notification settings

Estimated 4 minute read
Updated Feb 28, 2025, 9:03 PM EST
You will learn

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Learn about the push notifications settings page, where you can set up push notifications for your mobile app and adjust the Smart Sending window. 

Before you begin

Before you begin

If you haven’t already turned on push notifications in your account, we recommend reading our guide on how to set up push notifications

Want to request a feature for Klaviyo push notifications? Fill out this Google form to tell us about it! 

View push notifications settings

View push notifications settings

  1. Click your account name in the bottom left corner.
  2. From the account menu dropdown, click Settings.
  3. Click Push notifications.
Enable iOS or Android push

Enable iOS or Android push

On the Mobile app settings page, you’ll be able to view the setting for your iOS app

Mobile app settings page to enable iOS or Android push notifications

Smart Sending settings for push

Smart Sending settings for push

On the Sender preferences page, you can adjust your Smart Sending window. 

Smart sending page with 24 hours selected

Smart Sending allows you to limit the number of push notifications someone will receive in a given period of time. Klaviyo sets the default window of time to 24 hours, although you can adjust this.

  1. To change the default Smart Sending window, click the dropdown menu. 
  2. Select how long you want the Smart Sending window to be. 
  3. Click Update Push Sending Settings

It is best practice to enable Smart Sending to ensure that customers are not overwhelmed with messages from your business, especially if you're sending emails, SMS, and push notifications. 

Smart Sending is channel specific, meaning that push notifications have a separate Smart Window than either SMS or email. 

Message settings for push notifications

Message settings for push notifications

There are 3 message settings available when creating a push notification campaign or flow:

  • Show badge count (iOS only)
  • Play sound 
  • Open action

You can access these settings by going into the message editor and then clicking the Behaviors tab. 
Different options for the Show Badge count setting

Open action

Open action

This setting decides what happens when someone taps on a push notification; that is, when they open the app. 

There are 2 options: 

  • Open app
    This sends subscribers to your app’s homepage (default).
  • Deep link
    This sends subscribers to a specific page within your app. Learn more about deep linking
Show badge count

Show badge count

Badge count, also called the notification badge or unread count, shows a number on the app icon. Typically, it’s the number of notifications an app has received since the last time it was opened. 

Show badge count is a push notification setting that displays when creating a campaign and flow message. This setting only applies to iOS apps, as Android automatically increases badge count for new notifications. Note you must be on Klaviyo's Swift SDK version 4.1.0 or higher to access this feature 

When sending a push notification to an iOS device through Klaviyo, there are 3 options you can use to set the badge count. Open the dropdowns to learn about each. 

Add 1 to the current count 

This option increases the current badge count by 1. So, if the app’s current count is 2, it becomes 3. 

Set count to specific number

For this option, you can choose the number you want the badge count to be. For instance, if the current badge count is 1, you can choose to set it to any number from 1 to 999,999.   

Set count to a property

You can choose a profile or event property (for flows). As long as this property is set to any number from 1 to 999,999. For instance, you can show the number of products in someone’s cart in an abandoned cart flow. 

Play sound (iOS)

Play sound (iOS)

When turned on, this setting means a sound plays when the push notification is delivered to the subscriber’s phone. 

The sound is the app notification noise selected on the recipient’s phone. 

Additional resources

Additional resources

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