How to export a list or segment to a CSV file

Estimated 3 minute read
Updated Mar 17, 2025, 3:55 PM EST
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Learn how to export any list or segment in Klaviyo to a CSV file.  

Only Klaviyo users with the Owner, Admin, or Analyst roles have the ability to export lists or segments.

Export your list or segment

Export your list or segment

  1. Navigate to Audience > Lists & segments tab.
  2. Click into the list or segment of your choice. (If you want to export everyone in your account, create a segment containing all profiles first.)
  3. Select the Manage list or Manage segment dropdown.
  4. Choose Export list to CSV or Export segment to CSV.
    • If you do not see this option, it means your role doesn't have the correct permissions to do so; only Owner, Admin, and Analyst users can export lists and segments.
      In a Klaviyo segment, the Manage segment menu is open with the Export segment to CSV option highlighted
  5. Choose whether you to export all properties associated with your contacts' profiles, or just specific ones.
    • If you are just interested in a specific property, choosing to export only that property reduces the amount of time it takes to download your CSV; the more content in your CSV, the longer it takes to download.

Navigate to Settings > Other > Downloads to access exports from the last 30 days.

How long does it take to export a list or segment?

How long does it take to export a list or segment?

The export process can take several minutes, depending on the size of the list or segment. If you don't see the export file appear immediately, you should see the file appear as a download in your browser within several minutes.

What can I export?

What can I export?

You can export the following data: 

You can only export up to 700 columns at once.

  • Email address 
  • Phone number 
  • Profile properties (e.g., first name, last name, city, etc.)
  • Date added
  • Custom properties (i.e., any custom profile data you add to Klaviyo, like favorite color)
  • Channel consent details (e.g., email and SMS consent status and consent timestamp) 
  • Predictive analytics (e.g., expected date of next order, predicted CLV; these can only be exported if your Klaviyo account meets the predictive analytics qualifications)

You cannot use a list or segment CSV to export: 

  • Event data 
  • Predicted gender 
  • List/segment membership (i.e., a summary of which lists or segments a profile belongs to) 
  • Messages a profile has received 
  • Any data not covered in the list above
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