How to upload a list of SMS contacts

Estimated 8 minute read
Updated Mar 18, 2025, 12:19 PM EST

To import consent, you must:

  • Be an Owners or Admin
  • Have set up SMS

Find out how to add and remove SMS transactional or marketing consent in Klaviyo. Importing your SMS subscribers is an essential part of migrating providers or simply consolidating your data. 

Before you begin

Before you begin

General requirements to import SMS consent 

General requirements to import SMS consent 

To import a list of phone number contacts with consent, you should:

  1. Set up SMS and have an SMS sending number for each country that you are importing.  
  2. Turn off any welcome flows (those triggered by the Consented to receive SMS metric or the list you’re importing to).
    • Also, wait at least 2 hours after importing before you turn your flow live again.
Why do I need to set up SMS first and have a sending number? 

Klaviyo cannot add SMS consent if: 

  • SMS isn’t set up in Klaviyo
  • You’re trying to add consent for a country where SMS isn’t available
  • Don’t have an SMS sending number for a country. 

The profiles are imported with phone numbers, but they wouldn’t have consent for SMS.  

To check your SMS setup and sending numbers, navigate to Settings > SMS.

Why should I turn off welcome flows?

If you don’t, every new contact from the CSV you uploaded will be added to any welcome flow. Thus, you should set your welcome flows to manual mode before importing. Welcome flows include those triggered by either: 

  • The Consented to receive SMS metric (which is the best option for any SMS welcome series)
  • The list you’re uploading to.

You should also wait at least 2 hours after the import finishes to turn these flows live again. 

Prepare your CSV for importing

Prepare your CSV for importing

For an example CSV, see this template

Include a phone number as the first or second column

Include a phone number as the first or second column

Klaviyo uses either email or phone number as a profile’s unique identifier. 

When importing:

  • Use email as the first column if you have an email address for each person
  • Otherwise, use phone number as the first column
Indicate the SMS subscriber’s country 

Indicate the SMS subscriber’s country 

You need to indicate the country for each person you’re importing either by:

  • Adding the country code before the phone number
  • Including a column labeled “Country”
Example with country codeExample with country column
Indicating the country via a country codeExample with country column.png

Watch the video or check out this article for instructions on indicating the SMS subscriber’s country

Indicate if consent is for SMS marketing or transactional 

Indicate if consent is for SMS marketing or transactional 

Say your CSV has a mix of marketing- and transactional-only profiles. 

You can use 2 columns to indicate the type (transactional or marketing) of someone’s SMS consent. Label the columns: 

  • SMS Marketing Consent 
    • Marketing consent allows you to send any type of SMS: both promotional (product announcement, abandonment reminder, etc) and transactional messages.
    • This is required if you want to import profiles with only SMS marketing consent. 
  • SMS Transactional Consent 
    • SMS transactional consent means you can only send messages marked as transactional in Klaviyo, like post-purchase flow messages. 
    • This column is only needed if you have transactional-only profiles, as you can send transactional messages to anyone who consented to SMS marketing.
Add consent status (subscribe, unsubscribed, never subscribed)

Add consent status (subscribe, unsubscribed, never subscribed)

Including the consent status is key if your CSV includes a mix of either:

  • Subscribed and unsubscribed subscribers 
  • Marketing- and transactional-only subscribers 

There are 3 consent statuses available: 

  • Subscribe
    Person is opted in to receive messages. 
  • Unsubscribed
    Person used to be subscribed but has since opted out. You cannot send messages if they are unsubscribed for that channel (e.g., you cannot send an SMS to someone who’s unsubscribed, but you may be able to send an email). 
  • Never subscribed 
    Person never consented to receiving messages. This is also the default value if a cell in a consent column is blank. You cannot send mobile (SMS, push, etc.) messages to people marked as never subscribed; however, you can send emails and these are considered active profiles. 

Klaviyo will not apply SMS marketing consent if someone is marked as either unsubscribed or never subscribed. However, if they are marked as subscribed for marketing consent, they are always marked as subscribed for transactional consent. 

 SMS marketing consentSMS transactional consentIs consent added to the profile?
Profile ASubscribeSubscribeYes, they are consented to both SMS marketing and transactional consent. 
Profile BSubscribeNever subscribedYes, but only for SMS marketing consent. The profile will show “never subscribed" for transactional consent. 
Profile CNever subscribedSubscribeYes, but the profile is only consented to SMS transactional consent.  
Profile DUnsubscribedNever subscribedNo, and the profile is marked "unsubscribed" for SMS marketing and "never subscribed” for SMS transactional.  

The way SMS providers export this information varies, so you may have to reformat the spreadsheet you received from your previous SMS provider to indicate the consent status.

Optional: add consent timestamp 

Optional: add consent timestamp 

While optional, the timestamp is usually good to include if it’s available. To do so, check that:

  • The timestamp is in an accepted date/time format.
  • The column is labeled either:
    • SMS Marketing Timestamp
    • SMS Transactional Timestamp (if also importing transactional consent)

If you choose not to include the timestamp, you will need to check a box to confirm that all profiles are currently opted into SMS. 

Adding the consent timestamp is not recommended in certain cases. Mostly, this occurs if you try to re-upload consent for a profile and the opt-out date is more recent than the consent timestamp. In this case, SMS consent won't be re-added to the profile. 

Recommended information

Recommended information

Some information is "recommended" because it's helpful, but not required to add SMS consent. There are also columns you may think are helpful, but could cause errors in the import process.

See the table below for details of other information you may want to (or not want to) include. 

Do includeDon't include
Email address (if included, this should be the first column in the CSV)"Subscribed to SMS" column
First nameA “consent” column to indicate whether someone is subscribed to SMS marketing, SMS transactional, email, etc.
Last name 
Import a list of phone numbers with SMS consent

Import a list of phone numbers with SMS consent

  1. Navigate to Audience > Lists & segments.
  2. Select the list you want to add your contacts to (e.g., SMS Subscribers).
  3. Open the Manage List dropdown in the upper right. 
  4. Choose Import contacts from the dropdown.
    • Note that you must be an Owner or Admin to see this option. 
  5. Click Upload and select your CSV file of SMS subscribers.
  6. Click Next
  7. Map each column from your CSV to an appropriate property in Klaviyo, then click Next.
  8. If your CSV includes columns indicating the type of consent or include the consent timestamp, the import will add the consent accordingly. 
    • Example: if you include an SMS Transactional Consent column (but not one for marketing consent).
      •  Profiles marked as “Subscribe” are imported with only SMS transactional consent. 
      • All other profiles (those marked as “Unsubscribed” or “Never subscribed”) are imported without consent. 
  9. If you have neither a consent timestamp or column indicating consent (e.g., SMS Marketing Consent), you’ll see the following: 
    • Under Did these contacts subscribe to messaging, select Yes to add consent.
    • Check the boxes for the types of consent to apply: Email, SMS, or both.
    • Choose the type of consent to apply. The option you pick depends on the consent types in your CSV: 
      • If every profile is consented only to SMS transactional, choose Only transactional messages
      • If every profile should be consented to both SMS marketing and transactional, choose Marketing and transactional messages.
      • To import only SMS marketing, you must format your CSV so that it includes a column labeled SMS Marketing consent, then re-upload the CSV.  
  10. When ready to proceed, click Import

The import process can take up to a couple of hours to complete.

Once all the numbers are imported, Klaviyo will either create a new profile or associate the data to an existing profile. For instance, if you import a phone-number-only CSV, Klaviyo will look for profiles with the same phone number, update that profile's SMS consent status, and include any other profile properties attributed to that contact. 

Bulk remove SMS consent 

Bulk remove SMS consent 

If you want to remove consent for profiles, you can use essentially the same import process. 

The only differences are that you must:

  • Have a column for SMS Marketing Consent or SMS Transactional Consent (depending on the type of consent you want to remove). 
  • Add “Unsubscribed” for each profile within that column. 
    • Note that you cannot reset profiles in bulk to “Never Subscribed.” 
Additional resources

Additional resources

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