Thanx data reference

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Jan 21, 2025, 3:55 AM EST
You will learn

You will learn

Learn what data syncs from Thanx to Klaviyo and where to view it. This includes information related to placed orders and customer profiles.

If you have not already, read our guide on getting started with Thanx for instructions on integrating before continuing with this article.

How to view your data

How to view your data

To view your Thanx data:

  1. Click the Analytics dropdown in the left-hand navigation sidebar.
  2. Select Metrics. Here, you can view all of the metrics in your account. Filter by Thanx to view your Thanx metrics. 
  3. Click on Placed Order to view detailed metric info.
Synced metrics

Synced metrics

Thanx sends 2 types of purchase payloads:

  • Data Sharing: sent if the webhook consumer qualifies for data sharing
  • No Data Sharing: sent if the webhook consumer does not qualify for data sharing

No data sharing payloads are sent, for example, for mall merchants with locations that have not yet opted into data sharing.

Placed Order

Placed Order

This event occurs when a customer placed an order through your Thanx loyalty program. You can filter and target Placed Order events based on the following criteria:

  • Purchase ID
    Unique identifier for the purchase
  • Merchant ID
    Unique identifier for the merchant
  • Order ID
    The ID for the order
  • Order Provider
    The system that accepted the order
  • Merchant Name
    Name of the merchant
  • Location ID
    Unique identifier for location of purchase
  • Location Name
    Name of the location where the purchase was made
  • Location
    Additional information about the location including location ID and address
  • Items 
    Details about what was purchased 
Synced guest data

Synced guest data

In addition to the metrics Klaviyo syncs from Thanx, Klaviyo will also create a unique profile for every customer that we sync, which includes their first name, last name, and email address.

Please note that we do not sync email nor SMS consent from Thanx. We recommend uploading consent or integrating with another platform that syncs consent in order to reach your Thanx customers.

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