Getting started with BigCommerce

Estimated 7 minute read
Updated Mar 21, 2025, 3:39 PM EST
You will learn

You will learn

Learn how to enable the BigCommerce integration in Klaviyo, add Viewed Product tracking, and confirm that all onsite tracking is working properly for your store. 

When you integrate with BigCommerce, your historic ecommerce, customer, and catalog data is synced into your Klaviyo account. The integration automatically adds Klaviyo's onsite tracking snippet to your BigCommerce store, which allows you to add Klaviyo sign-up forms to your site and track when your customers are active on your site. The BigCommerce integration also sets up a real-time sync to capture future data.

Before you begin

Before you begin

Before integrating, we recommend logging out of both BigCommerce and Klaviyo.

How to integrate video

How to integrate video

Enable the BigCommerce integration

Enable the BigCommerce integration

To integrate Klaviyo with BigCommerce:

  1. Log in to your Klaviyo account.
  2. Select Integrations in the left-hand navigation.
  3. Click Add integrations and search for BigCommerce, then click the card. Then, click Install.
  4. Click Connect to BigCommerce, log in to BigCommerce when prompted, then click Install
  5. Review the permissions and click Confirm to be brought back into Klaviyo.
  6. Under Store URL, enter your store’s permanent address. Your store's permanent address is not the same as your store's URL where customers visit your store. The permanent address is a special URL BigCommerce uses to manage your store.
    1. To find this address, go into your BigCommerce admin and navigate to Account Settings > Store Details. Scroll down to find the Permanent Address for your store.
      BigCommerce store details page showing permanent address field with blurred address
  7. Check the box to automatically add Klaviyo onsite javascript, which will allow onsite tracking and forms.
  8. Next, if you’d like to collect email subscribers at checkout, check Sync your BigCommerce email subscribers to Klaviyo. This will subscribe contacts who opt in during a checkout or through BigCommerce footer form. Choose which Klaviyo list from the dropdown you would like to add subscribers to. If you prefer, you can create a new list instead.
  9. To collect SMS subscribers who opt in via BigCommerce, check the setting to Sync your BigCommerce SMS subscribers to Klaviyo. Before you can enable this setting, you must first set up SMS for your Klaviyo account.
  10. If you decide to collect SMS subscribers at checkout, choose the list you want them to be added to from the dropdown. You will also be prompted to include links to your Terms of Service and Privacy Policy, and copy a code snippet to your BigCommerce checkout file. For instructions on how to do this, follow our guide to collecting SMS consent at checkout with BigCommerce. You must also add disclosure language for TCPA compliance.
  11. When you're done, click Complete setup.

You've successfully enabled the BigCommerce integration.

Confirm Onsite Tracking installation

Confirm Onsite Tracking installation

When you integrated with BigCommerce, a Klaviyo.js file which enables onsite tracking was automatically installed in your BigCommerce store if you checked the relevant setting. Klaviyo.js does two things:

  • It enables you to add Klaviyo sign-up forms to your site directly from your Klaviyo account.
  • It adds Active on Site tracking, which allows you to track when your customers access your site.

No further action is required on your part, but you can verify that Klaviyo.js is working correctly. 

  1. In your Klaviyo account, click Integrations.
  2. In the upper right corner, click Manage Sources > Set up web tracking. You already completed the first step when integrating, and the second step will be covered in the next section on Viewed Product tracking.
  3. Go to the third step and enter your store URL in the box, then click Next.
  4. Click on the link that’s generated to be redirected to your store.
    Setup web tracking page in Klaviyo showing three steps, third step has a text box filled with a BigCommerce store URL and Next with a blue background
  5. Back in Klaviyo, check for the success button that data has been received. This means that web tracking is working successfully.
    Klaviyo setup web tracking page step 3 shows a box with a generated link, and Data received continue with arrow and green background
  6. Click the green success button to be brought back to your Klaviyo dashboard.
Add Viewed Product tracking

Add Viewed Product tracking

Viewed Product tracking allows you to track when customers view your products. To enable Viewed Product tracking, you will need to  add a Viewed Product code snippet to your BigCommerce Theme file. 

Viewed Product tracking is necessary for building flows such as a browse abandonment flow, which you can learn more about in Creating a Browse Abandonment Flow.

  1. In your Klaviyo account, click Integrations.
  2. In the upper right corner, click Manage Sources > Set Up Web Tracking. You already completed the first step when integrating.
  3. Copy the Viewed Product snippet from the second step. 
    Klaviyo setup web tracking page step 2 showing viewed product code snippet in box
  4. Next, you'll paste the Viewed Product code snippet into your BigCommerce theme file. In a new tab, log in to your BigCommerce dashboard and navigate to Storefront > My Themes.
  5. From the Current Theme, click the Advanced Settings dropdown and click Edit Theme Files. If you're working with a default theme, the option to edit theme files will not appear. First, make a copy of the theme, and then make your edits to the copy. Any edits you make will only apply to the theme you are editing. Note that if you change your theme in the future, you will need to install Viewed Product tracking to your new theme.
    BigCommerce My Themes page with Advanced dropdown open for current theme and Edit Theme Files highlighted in light blue
  6. In the editor, navigate to Templates > Pages, scroll down, and click to open the product.html page.
  7. At the bottom of this page, paste the Viewed Product code snippet. Then click Save all files.
    BigCommerce file editor showing product.html file with Klaviyo Viewed Product snippet added to bottom

You have now enabled Viewed Product tracking on all of your product pages.

Data synced to Klaviyo

Data synced to Klaviyo

The BigCommerce integration syncs with Klaviyo in real-time.

After you've enabled your BigCommerce integration, it will sync the following information about your customers:

  • Sales and order data, including which products were purchased, product images, price, and quantity.
  • Customer information, including first name, last name, and how they found your store. 

    Location information is only synced to Klaviyo if the customer has placed an order.

  • Fulfillment, refund, and canceled order data.
  • When people visit your website and what products and collections they view.

To view BigCommerce event data in your Klaviyo account:

  1. Click the Analytics dropdown and select Metrics
  2. Select BigCommerce from the filter drop-down on the upper right-hand side to display all BigCommerce events. BigCommerce events are associated with the BigCommerce icon.
    Klaviyo metrics tab filtered by BigCommerce with 6 BigCommerce metrics showing in list including Cancelled Order and Fulfilled Order
  3. Read more about your BigCommerce Data for a full reference of all the types of data and specific events that sync to Klaviyo.
Klaviyo limits the number of unique metrics you can create to 200. When you approach this threshold, you will be alerted via a warning in your account, along with an email to the account owner.


You've successfully enabled the BigCommerce integration, confirmed that onsite tracking is working, and added Viewed Product tracking to your store. 

Next steps

Next steps

Congratulations on getting set up! Now that you've got your integration running, it's time to start adding Klaviyo's core features so you can start making money and growing your business.

After you complete the items in this category, you'll be all set to get the most out of Klaviyo's features. 

Additional resources

Additional resources

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