You will learn
Learn more about the recent changes and updates to attribution data. Attribution settings will have more flexibility for interaction windows, and the ability to remove bot clicks and Apple Privacy opens from attribution or reporting. Additionally, there will be changes to attribution data filters in flows and segments, and reporting in some areas.
New attribution window settingsNew attribution window settings
You will now have the option to customize your attribution models and windows to better align with your customer behaviors.
Changes to your attribution windows will only reflect in reporting going forward and will not recalculate historical data.
Email and SMS
You can now customize the attribution windows for email opens and clicks separately. This allows you to better match how your customers interact with your messages. For example, you can set a longer click window if your customers take more time through the purchase funnel.
In addition to the default option for clicking SMS messages, you can now also set the attribution window for message deliveries. This way, you can align your interaction window with how long it takes customers to engage after receiving a message.
Learn more about what has changed for email and SMS attribution settings.
Removing machine opens and bot clicksRemoving machine opens and bot clicks
You can now additionally remove machine opens from your reporting or attribution to ensure more accurate tracking.
If you remove bot clicks on the Attribution page, they will be excluded from conversions moving forward. If, at a later point in time, you decide to update your attribution settings and include bot clicks, they will be included in conversions moving forward from that point.
Additionally, for reporting purposes, if you remove bot clicks they will be excluded from data back to January 1st, 2022.
These new options include:
Bot clicks for email
Remove machine email clicks from your reporting and attribution. These include opens made by third-party security software, certain inbox providers, etc. -
Bot clicks for SMS
Remove machine SMS clicks from your reporting and attribution. These include opens made by third-party security software, certain mobile carriers, etc. -
Apple Privacy Protection opens
Remove Apple Privacy Protection (MPP) opens from your attribution.
Learn how to adjust and remove machine opens and bot clicks settings in reporting or attribution.
Changes to attribution data filters in flows, segments, and metricsChanges to attribution data filters in flows, segments, and metrics
Along with the new options for attribution settings, these changes will also impact the utilization of attribution data as filters within new segments and flows.
Starting on 8/29/24, the following flow filters and segment conditions will not be supported:
- Attributed channel (“$attributed_channel”)
- Attributed flow (“$attributed_flow”)
- Attributed message variation (“$attributed_variation”)
- Attributed channel (“$attributed_channel”)
- Attributed experiment (“$attributed_experiment’)
- Attributed flow channel ($flow_channel)
- Attributed campaign channel ($campaign_channel)
All existing segments using these attributes will still continue to function.
Updates to segments
If you are planning to use any of the above attribution data filters to create a new segment, you will need to set up your segment differently. For example, you want to retarget customers who did not purchase after receiving a certain campaign.
Learn more about how to use attribution data now to create segments.
Updates to flows
If you are planning to use any of the above attribution data filters to create a new flow, you will need to set up your flow differently. For example, you want to make sure that those who did not purchase continue through a browse abandonment flow.
Learn more about how to use attribution data now to create flows.
Additional resourcesAdditional resources
How to change your email, SMS, and push message attribution and tracking settings