How to view historical attribution changes

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Mar 4, 2025, 11:50 AM EST
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Learn how to use Klaviyo’s attribution settings history to see a timeline of changes made to your attribution settings. This enables you to understand what changes were made to your account’s attribution settings, when the changes occurred, and who made the change.  

Accessing the attribution settings change log

Accessing the attribution settings change log

To view historical changes to your attribution settings, take the following steps: 

  1. Open the account menu in the lower-left corner of Klaviyo and select Settings.
  2. Select the Attribution tab.
  3. Select the historical changes icon next to the Compare models button.

attribution button.jpg

Reading the attribution settings history 

Reading the attribution settings history 

The attribution settings history provides a timeline of changes to your attribution settings. You can see the following information about the changes made: 

  • What settings were changed
    See which setting was updated (e.g., attribution window, tracking, etc.)
  • Timestamp for the change
    See the time and date of the change
  • Account user that made the change
    See the email address associated with the account user that made the change

The current settings will be at the top of the timeline, and have a blue Current settings badge next to the timeline item. 

By expanding an item in the attribution settings history, you can see the specific updates that were made to each setting in the change (e.g., changing opened email window from 3 days to 7 days, excluding bot interactions from click email data, etc.) 

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Historical attribution changes are not available prior to March 2023. 

Additional resources

Additional resources

How to change your email, SMS, and push message attribution and tracking settings

Understanding Klaviyo message attribution

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