How to prevent multiple sign-up forms from displaying at once

Estimated 3 minute read
Updated Aug 29, 2024, 4:58 PM EST
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Learn how to enable collision prevention display settings to prevent multiple sign-up forms from appearing simultaneously or one after another for your shoppers. If you have multiple sign-up forms live on your website, and each with its own rule-based display triggers, enable collision prevention to ensure that the forms won’t overlap and overwhelm your site visitors.

Enable collision prevention

Enable collision prevention

You only need to enable collision-prevention 1 time in your form display settings, and it will apply across all pages on your website once set. 

Note that enabling form collision settings will only block collisions between popup, flyout, and full page sign-up forms. Embedded forms and custom-triggered forms will not be impacted by collision prevention display settings. 

To enable collision prevention:

    1. Navigate to the Sign-up forms tab. 
    2. Select the gear icon in the top right corner. 
      The gear icon to select in the top corner of the Sign-up forms tab that will open the form display settings menu.
    3. On the form settings modal that appears, check the box next to Don’t show multiple forms at the same time.
    4. From here, choose from further display settings:
      • Show only one form per session
      • Show next form after a time delay (minutes or seconds)
        The form settings modal with Don't show multiple forms at the same time selected and Show next form after a 5 second time delay selected.
    5. Click Save.

      If you have collision prevention settings enabled in your Klaviyo account, form teasers will not appear on your site, since they are considered another form showing in the same session. You can adjust the time delay to make the teaser appear. For example, if a teaser is set to show after a form is closed, choose Show next form after a time delay and input an amount of time. If you input 5 minutes, then the teaser will appear 5 minutes after the form is closed. 

Moving forward, your elected collision prevention display settings will prevent multiple sign-up forms from showing at the same time or in rapid succession.

Form display settings do not allow you to configure the order in which 2 sign-up forms with the same trigger settings will display. You can configure which sign-up forms appear when by adjusting a form's trigger settings in the Targeting & behaviors tab of the form editor. If you have 2 sign-up forms with the exact same trigger settings, these forms will show in alphabetical order according to their Form ID (e.g., A12345 will show before B1234 if they have the same trigger settings). The form ID is the 6-digit code at the end of the URL in the form editor.

The Form Id highlighted in the form editor URL for an example sign-up form. 

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