How to add a first name to an email, SMS, or push message

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Feb 11, 2025, 9:55 PM EST
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Learn how to add a variable that dynamically populates a recipient’s first name in an email, SMS, or push message. These are supported in campaigns and flows, the body of any message, and an email’s subject line. 

Add a first name variable

Add a first name variable

  1. Open a message (i.e., email, SMS, or push) in Klaviyo. 
  2. Click the personalization icon from a text field's formatting bar.
  3. Select First name from the list.
  4. Optional: in the Default text field, add text to display to recipients whose first name is not set. For example, if you’re adding a first name to a line that says “Hey FIRST_NAME,” you can use there as the default text. 
    • If a recipient’s first name is not set, their message will read “Hey ,” instead of “Hey there,”. 
  5. Optional: Choose an optional from the Capitalization menu: 
    • As typed
      The recipient's name will appear as it appears on their profile. 
    • Ag (i.e., title case) 
      The recipient's name will be converted to title case (i.e., the first letter will be capitalized and all other letters will be lowercase). 
    • AG (i.e., upper case) 
      The recipient's name will be converted to all upper case letters. 
    • ag (i.e., lower case) 
      The recipient's name will be converted to all lower case letters. 
  6. Click Insert.
  7. Note the tag that appears: {{ first_name|title|default:'there' }} (if you set there as the default text and choose Ag (i.e., title case). 

When you send the message, this tag will be replaced with each recipient’s name. 

Customize your first name variable

Customize your first name variable

In the example above, |default:'there' and |title are filters. Klaviyo offers a wide range of filters to customize how variables appear. Learn more about using filters in Klaviyo

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