You will learn
Learn what data Klaviyo imports from your Magento 2 store when you integrate the two platforms. Klaviyo's integration with Magento 2 pulls in all of the historical data in your Magento 2 store with the initial historic sync. Once enabled the integration will also begin to sync order and customer data every 30 minutes. Examples of this data include the information associated with past placed orders, fulfilled orders, etc.
In Klaviyo, you can navigate to your account's Analytics tab in the left sidebar to view all of the metrics in your account; the metrics with a Magento 2 icon are the ones synced from your Magento 2 integration.
How Klaviyo determines Magento 2 metrics
Order metricsOrder metrics
Magento 2 order metrics are determined by the Status field in an order in your Magento 2 store.
Each time an order is created, or its status is updated, it will be evaluated against the matrix below to determine which events should be triggered.
Magento Order Status |
Metric Triggered in Klaviyo |
complete |
Fulfilled Order |
canceled, cancelled |
Canceled Order |
pay_aborted |
Canceled Payment |
closed |
Refunded Order |
All other order statuses |
Placed Order |
If you have custom order statuses that should not trigger a Placed Order metric, or do not align with the table above, please let us know and we can adjust the order status mapping accordingly in your integration.
Orders with a status of “pending_payment” will be ignored.
Started Checkout metricStarted Checkout metric
With a standard Magento checkout, this event is triggered when a customer enters their contact and shipping information on the first page of the Magento checkout process and clicks Continue.
The Started Checkout event relies on a “Quote” being created and having an email address associated with it. This happens after the customer has entered their email address at the “Shipping Information” stage of checkout. If a customer does not complete the checkout, this quote is synced to Klaviyo as a Started Checkout event.
If the customer proceeds to complete the order, this quote is converted to an “invoice” in Magento’s database. As a result a Started Checkout event is not sent to Klaviyo. Instead, a Placed Order event is sent. Note that it may take up to 1 hour for Started Checkout events to sync to Klaviyo.
Fulfilled Shipment metricFulfilled Shipment metric
This metric is triggered when a new Shipment is created in your Magento 2 store.
Magento 2 metricsMagento 2 metrics
This section covers each of the Magento 2 metrics and the data that is available for filtering when creating segments and flows.
Cancelled OrderCancelled Order
This event is triggered when an order status is changed to cancelled or canceled in your Magento 2 store.
- ProductCategories: The categories of the products in the cancelled order.
- Value: The value of the cancelled order.
- Discounted: (True or False) The discount state of the cancelled order.
- OrderedProducts: The names of the products in the cancelled order.
- OrderedProductCount: The number of products in the cancelled order.
- OrderCurrencyCode: The currency code used with the cancelled order.
- CartPriceRuleIDs: An array of Cart Price Rule IDs (numeric id strings) which include automatically applied rules and the rule for an applied coupon.
Fulfilled Order
This event is tracked when you set an order status to complete in your Magento 2 store.
- ProductCategories: The categories of the products in the order.
- Value: The value of the order.
- Discounted: Whether the order is discounted or not.
- OrderedProducts:The names of the products in the order.
- OrderedProductCount: The number of products in the order.
- OrderCurrencyCode: The currency code used with the order.
Fulfilled Shipment
This event is tracked when a new Shipment is created in your Magento 2 store.
- StoreName: The name of the store where the order was placed.
- StoreID: The ID of the store where the order was placed.
- BillingAddress: The billing address for the order.
- Tracks: Information on shipment tracking.
Ordered Product
This event is tracked once for every product a user orders when they place an order.
- SKU: The SKU of the product.
- OrderCurrencyCode:The currency code of the product.
- Price: The value of the product.
- Categories: The category of the product.
- Discounted: Any discounts applied to the product.
- Quantity: The number of products.
- Value: The value of the product.
- ProductID: The ID of the product.
- RootProductID: The ID of the parent product.
Ordered Product metric has a number of other data fields available for tracking. View the raw data of an individual Ordered Product event to see all of the available data for this event.
Placed Order
This event is tracked when a user places an order.
- ProductCategories: The categories of the products in the order.
- Value: The value of the order.
- Discounted: Whether the order is discounted or not.
- OrderedProducts:The names of the products in the order.
- OrderedProductCount: The number of products in the order.
- OrderCurrencyCode: The currency code used with the order.
- CartPriceRuleIDs: An array of Cart Price Rule IDs (numeric id strings) which include automatically applied rules and the rule for an applied coupon.
Refunded Order
This event is triggered when a customer refunds an order.
- Value: The value of the order.
- Discounted: Whether the order is discounted or not.
- OrderedProducts: The names of all the products in the order.
- OrderedProductCount: The number of products in the order.
- OrderCurrencyCode: The currency code used with the order.
- ProductCategories: The categories of the products in the order.
- CartPriceRuleIDs: An array of Cart Price Rule IDs (numeric id strings) which include automatically applied rules and the rule for an applied coupon.
Started Checkout
This event is triggered when a customer with a known email address begins a checkout. On a standard checkout page this event is triggered when a customer enters their contact and shipping information on the first page of the Magento checkout process and clicks Continue. A Started Checkout event is not sent to Klaviyo if the user completes checkout. Instead, a Placed Order event is logged.
- Value: The value of the order during the checkout.
- ItemCount: The number of items in the order.
- Items: The items in the order.
- ProductCategories: The categories of the products in the order.
- ProductNames: The names of the products in the order.
- StoreName: The name of the store where the order was started.
- StoreID: The ID of the store where the order was started.
Added to Cart
Please note that this metric is only tracked if you are using Klaviyo extension version 4.0.0 and above. This metric is tracked when a customer who has been cookied by Klaviyo adds an item to their cart.
It includes detailed information about the item that was added. This is useful when creating segments based on what products users have added to cart, or when building an abandoned cart flow. You can filter and target Added to Cart metrics based on the following criteria:
- MaskedQuoteId: MaskedQuoteId or Unique identifier for logged in customers.
- AddedItemCategories: The categories to which the item belongs.
- AddedItemProductName: The name of the product in your store, e.g., Red T-shirt.
- AddedItemDescription: The description of the item.
- AddedItemImageURLKey: The URL of the image of the item.
- AddedItemPrice: The price of the item.
- AddedItemProductID: The custom ID in your Magento 2 store of the product, e.g., 1234.
- AddedItemSKU: The SKU of the item in your store, e.g., REDMEDIUMTSHIRT.
- AddedItemURL: The URL of the item.
Klaviyo generates a key, the cart rebuild key, that allows you to create a link that rebuilds the customer's cart in case they return to their cart via an email triggered by this event on another device. This key can be found within the ‘extra’ property array. You can create this link using the following URL:
{{ organization.url|trim_slash }}reclaim/checkout/cart?quote_id={{ event.MaskedQuoteId }}
Synced customer dataSynced customer data
Klaviyo creates a contact from the creation of an existing order, an existing customer record, or when a checkout is started. Klaviyo will create a new Klaviyo Profile for every synced contact, and will populate this profile with the following information:
- First and Last Name
- City, State/Region, Zip Code, Country
- Phone Number
- Magento Account Created (e.g., YYY-mm-dd hh:mm:ss; 2015-05-21 13:04:00)
- Magento Customer Group (e.g., Wholesale)
- Magento Store (e.g., US Store)
- Date of Birth (e.g., YYYY-mm-dd; 1990-03-25)
- Gender
If you update the customer group in Magento 2, even after the original profile has been created in Klaviyo, the customer group will update in Klaviyo.
Website_ID will not be pulled. Suppressions are not copied into Klaviyo so they will not be in the Klaviyo platform.
Klaviyo cannot pull custom image locations.
Verify your synced order data
Klaviyo imports all of your Magento 2 data. To verify this, you can compare the number of orders on a particular day with what's in the Magento 2 interface and confirm they match. Click on Analytics in the left sidebar, find the Placed Order metric and click on it. This will take you to the metric chart page and show the last 30 days of data by default. You can see an example of the metric chart displayed below.
Mouseover yesterday's data point or look in the table of data below the chart to see how many orders you had yesterday. Compare that number to what's stored in Magento and you should see they match exactly. If they don't, the most likely issue is that your Klaviyo account's timezone doesn't match your Magento timezone.
To check or update your account's timezone:
- Click your organization name in the bottom left.
- Select Settings.
- Go to the Organization tab.
You may see that the Revenue value on your Klaviyo dashboard does not always match up with the revenue value you see in Magento; this is because Klaviyo does not subtract cancelled and refunded orders from our revenue calculation.
Additional resources