How to add an update profile property action to a flow

Estimated 3 minute read
Updated Mar 12, 2025, 10:48 AM EST
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Learn how to add an update profile property action into a flow so that you can collect and track profile data.

This flow action allows you to:

  • Update an existing profile property
  • Remove an existing profile property
  • Create and set a new profile property

This action can be used for several use cases such as:

  • Collecting categories of interest
  • Tagging a profile with a specific date
  • Adding gender to a profile

Learn more about update profile property action use cases.

If someone fails profile filters at some point in the flow before they reach the update profile property action, they will skip the action with the skip reason Skipped: Fails Flow Conditions.

Add the update profile property action

Add the update profile property action

  1. Navigate to a specific flow.
  2. Drag and drop an Profile property update action into the flow.
  3. Click +Add step.
    Profile property dropdown with Add step button below
  4. Choose one of the following: 
    • Update existing property
      This option allows you to update the value of an existing custom property. If the property you select is a list of values, you can choose to add or remove a value from the list.
      • If the property doesn’t yet exist for a recipient profile, the property will first be created and then the value will be updated.
      • Klaviyo automatically detects and validates the data type of the property you choose. For example, if you have a property like "Age" and all the existing values are numbers, then you try to update the value to "tom" we'll display an error because "tom" is not a number. 
      • If you want to add multiple values to a list property, create separate steps and add each value as an update.
    • Create new property
      This option allows you to create a brand new custom property and assign the value. If the property already exists for a given recipient profile, we’ll update the value. Here, you can also configure the data type for the new property:
      • Text
        This is any regular string of text, like "Tom" or "Chocolate."
      • Number
        This is any numeric value, like 0, 5, or 750.
      • List
        This is a list of values, and we'll let you input all the values you want to be part of your new list.
      • Boolean
        A boolean is a binary variable, having two possible values, “true” and “false." You can select true or false from a dropdown.
    • Delete existing property
      The option allows you to remove an existing custom property from a profile. This will not only clear a value, but fully remove the property from the profile.
  5. (Optional) Click +Add step again to update several profile properties at once
    • There is no limit to the number of steps you can add.
    • Steps will occur in the order they appear.
    • It's possible to re-order steps.
  6. Click Save.

If you have multiple update profile property actions placed next to each other, add at least a one-minute time delay between them so the updates do not interfere with each other. 

View activity

View activity

You can see a summary of who is waiting and who has moved through this step in the righthand details sidebar.

If you click on a message step, in the Performance section on the right details sidebar, you will be able to see the following:

  • Who is scheduled or in Waiting
  • Who is in Needs Review (if the flow component is/was in manual mode)
  • Who has successfully moved through the component and is in the Yes grouping
  • Who was skipped or in the No grouping due to failing the flow filters or otherwise no longer qualifying at send time

Performance details with waiting, no, and yes completed receiving message


Additional resources 

Additional resources 

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