How to edit, disable, or remove a Klaviyo-built integration

Estimated 1 minute read
Updated Feb 11, 2025, 8:22 PM EST
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Learn how to edit, disable, or remove a Klaviyo-built integration in your account's Integrations tab. 

Before you begin

Before you begin

Third party integrations need to be removed from the vendor's side, unless they are Klaviyo-approved third party integrations found in Klaviyo's integration directory. To remove a third party integration not found in the directory, refer to the vendor's help center for instructions.

Edit, disable, or remove a Klaviyo-built integration

Edit, disable, or remove a Klaviyo-built integration

  1. In Klaviyo, click your account name in the lower left corner and select Integrations.
  2. Find the relevant integration in the list of enabled integrations.
  3. Click the action button to the right of the integration in the list.
  4. Select Edit integration, Disable integration or Remove integration.
  5. If you chose Edit integration, you'll be brought to that integration's settings page, where you should make any changes and then click Save.


You've now disabled or removed your selected Klaviyo-built integration.

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