How to add an additional filter to a single flow email

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Mar 20, 2025, 12:56 PM EST
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Learn how to add additional filters to a specific email within a flow.

When building a flow, you may have a particular email that you would only like to go to specific recipients. To accomplish this, you can add an additional filter to a single email within a flow. After the appropriate recipients receive this email, they will continue on the same path as all other recipients who trigger the flow.

If you would instead like to create two or more distinct paths in your flow based on certain conditions, check out our guides on conditional and trigger splits.

Add an additional filter to a flow email

Add an additional filter to a flow email

To add an additional filter to an email:

  1. Click on the email card in the flow builder for the email you'd like to update.
  2. Navigate to the Additional Filters area under Settings, in the details sidebar. When you click this option, you'll be brought to an area where you can edit the filters for a particular email.

After you create and save additional filters on an email, you will notice the filter icon on the corresponding email card  - this signals that additional filters have been applied. If you hover over this icon, you'll see a summary of the filters you've added.

Cursor hovering over the additional filter icon found on a flow email.

How to use additional filters

How to use additional filters

Let's say you have a flow that sends to customers several weeks after their first purchase encouraging them to order again. Your first email might have the subject line, "We Missed You" and provide a discount code or some other incentive to convince your customer to come back.

As you add more emails to the flow, you may only want to send this message to those who haven't opened the previous one. This is something you can accomplish with additional filters. This is a great way to resend a great offer or partially recycle a great design until you grab the attention of your customers.

This additional filter will consist of one condition: 

What someone has done (or not done) > has Opened Email zero times over all time 
> where Subject equals ______
Additional resources

Additional resources

Learn about filters that apply to an entire flow in our article on understanding flow triggers and filters.

Learn more about different kinds of splits:

Learn about other flow message settings:

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