How to save an email template

Estimated 2 minute read
Updated Feb 28, 2025, 3:56 PM EST
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Learn how to save an email template to reuse in the future. Saving email templates is an easy way to cut down time building your campaigns or flow emails, as saved templates can be used as a starting point for future emails. From Content > Templates, you can build out a template directly or edit saved email templates.

Ready to send your template to your subscribers? Learn how to send an email campaign.  

Save an email as a template

Save an email as a template

For a flow email:

  1. Click on the email you would like to save.
  2. Scroll down to the Template section.
  3. From the additional options menu, select Save as Template.
    Save flow email as template

Once your email is saved as a template, it will appear in Content > Templates.

For an unsent campaign email:

  1. Click on the email you would like to save.
  2. Navigate to Content > Edit Content.
  3. Open the Edit Email menu.
  4. Click Save as Template.

Save as template button

Once your email is saved as a template, it will appear in Content > Templates.

For a sent campaign email: 

  1. From the campaigns list view, click the additional options (three dots) icon. 
  2. Select Add to templates
Use a saved template

Use a saved template

When configuring a new email, you will first see a window with the prompt: How would you like to design your email?

Here, select Drag and Drop. Choose the Email: saved tab; then, find and select your saved template. 

Switch to a saved template

Switch to a saved template

If you're working with either a draft campaign email or a flow email, you can change the template you're working with. To switch to a different template in a campaign: 

  1. Navigate to the Content step.
  2. Open the Edit Email dropdown.
  3. Click Change Template.
  4. Select Drag and Drop, then select and edit your template.

To switch to a new template in a flow: 

  1. Navigate to the Message Content step.
  2. Click the Edit Content dropdown and select Change Template.
  3. Select Drag and Drop, then select and edit your template.
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