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Getting started with <em>coupon</em> codes in Klaviyo
Learn how to create and upload unique and static <em>coupon</em> codes in Klaviyo to incentivize customers to engage with your brand. Offering an incentive can help you improve the customer experience, resulting in higher sales and increased lifetime value.
Come creare <em>coupon</em> statici per PrestaShop
Impari a creare <em>coupon</em> PrestaShop utilizzando il modulo Klaviyo in PrestaShop. Può caricare questi <em>coupon</em> su Klaviyo e includerli nella messaggistica per rendere i suoi clienti entusiasti delle promozioni sul suo sito.
Come creare <em>coupon</em> unici per Woocommerce
Impari a creare <em>coupon</em> unici e monouso per il suo negozio WooCommerce e li utilizzi nei flussi per incentivare gli abbonati a fare un acquisto. Per farlo, dovrà prima creare il <em>coupon</em> in WooCommerce, quindi configurare le impostazioni per il <em>coupon</em> collegato in Klaviyo.
Capire i <em>coupon</em> disponibili nell'Hub clienti di Klaviyo
Capire come vengono determinati i <em>coupon</em> disponibili e come vengono mostrati agli acquirenti in Klaviyo Customer Hub. L'Hub clienti di Klaviyo visualizza i <em>coupon</em> disponibili per aiutare gli acquirenti a negoziarli, accedervi e utilizzarli facilmente.
Understanding available <em>coupon</em>s in Customer Hub
Understand how available <em>coupon</em>s are determined and displayed to shoppers in Customer Hub. Customer Hub displays available <em>coupon</em>s to help shoppers easily store, access, and use their <em>coupon</em>s.
Come creare <em>coupon</em> unici per PrestaShop
Impari a creare <em>coupon</em> unici e monouso per il suo negozio PrestaShop e li utilizzi nei flussi per incentivare gli abbonati ad effettuare un acquisto. Per farlo, dovrà prima creare il <em>coupon</em> in PrestaShop, quindi configurare le impostazioni per il <em>coupon</em> collegato in Klaviyo.
Comment créer des <em>coupon</em>s uniques pour Woocommerce
Apprenez à créer des <em>coupon</em>s uniques à usage unique pour votre boutique WooCommerce et à les utiliser dans les flux pour inciter les abonnés à effectuer un achat. Pour ce faire, vous devez d'abord créer votre <em>coupon</em> dans WooCommerce, puis configurer les paramètres du <em>coupon</em> lié dans Klaviyo.
Come creare codici <em>coupon</em> univoci per Shopify
Scopri come creare codici <em>coupon</em> monouso per il tuo negozio Shopify in modo che ogni cliente riceva il proprio codice <em>coupon</em> univoco per una determinata promozione sul tuo sito. Questa funzionalità fornisce un'alternativa alla creazione di un codice <em>coupon</em> generico, noto anche come codice <em>coupon</em> statico, in modo da non doversi preoccupare della condivisione dei codici.
Come impostare i <em>coupon</em> per BigCommerce
Scopra come impostare i codici <em>coupon</em> di BigCommerce da utilizzare nelle e-mail e negli SMS di Klaviyo, in modo da incentivare i nuovi abbonati e i clienti passati a fare un acquisto. Questa guida la guiderà attraverso 2 metodi per aggiungere codici <em>coupon</em> alle sue e-mail:
Come impostare i <em>coupon</em> per Magento 2
Scopra come impostare una regola di prezzo in Magento 2 e creare i <em>coupon</em> in Klaviyo, in modo che i suoi acquirenti possano facilmente applicare uno sconto durante il processo di checkout. Magento supporta le regole di prezzo del carrello.
Come impostare i <em>coupon</em> (per Magento 1.x)
Magento supporta le Regole di prezzo del carrello che possono essere utilizzate per applicare uno sconto all'ordine di un cliente. I codici <em>coupon</em> possono essere creati per le regole di prezzo esistenti, in modo che gli acquirenti possano facilmente sfruttare un determinato codice per applicare uno sconto durante il processo di checkout.
Come impostare i <em>coupon</em> statici per WooCommerce
Scopri come creare e utilizzare i codici statici WooCommerce <em>coupon</em> per incentivare i nuovi Registrati e incoraggiare i clienti passati a fare un altro acquisto.
How to add <em>coupon</em> codes to sign-up forms
Learn how to add static and unique <em>coupon</em> codes to your sign-up forms to drive higher submission and conversion rates, and encourage customers to spend more on your site. It’s a best practice to add the <em>coupon</em> code directly to the success message of your form, as it incentivizes sign-ups and allows your shoppers to copy and claim the <em>coupon</em> without leaving your site.
Come aggiungere codici <em>coupon</em> ai moduli di iscrizione
Scopri come aggiungere codici statici e unici di <em>coupon</em> al tuo modulo d'iscrizione per ottenere un maggior numero di invii e tassi di conversione e incoraggiare i clienti a spendere di più sul tuo sito. È una buona pratica aggiungere il codice <em>coupon</em> direttamente nel messaggio di successo del tuo modulo, in quanto incentiva Registrati e permette ai tuoi acquirenti di copiare e richiedere <em>coupon</em> senza lasciare il tuo sito.
How to view <em>coupon</em> history
Learn how to view the history for any Klaviyo-generated <em>coupon</em> so you can track which codes have been used, expired, or are still active.
Come modificare i <em>coupon</em> in Klaviyo
Scopra come modificare i <em>coupon</em> generati da Klaviyo, in modo da poterli utilizzare nella sua messaggistica e incoraggiare gli iscritti a fare un acquisto sul suo sito web.
How to edit <em>coupon</em>s in Klaviyo
Learn how to edit <em>coupon</em>s that Klaviyo generates so that you can use them in your messaging and encourage subscribers to make a purchase on your website.
Comment éditer des <em>coupon</em>s dans Klaviyo
Apprenez à éditer les <em>coupon</em>s générés par Klaviyo afin de les utiliser dans vos messages et d'encourager vos abonnés à effectuer un achat sur votre site web.
How to export <em>coupon</em> information
Learn how to export information about Klaviyo-generated and uploaded <em>coupon</em>s, so that you can report on your <em>coupon</em>s with the data directly from Klaviyo.
Come impostare i <em>coupon</em> per Square
Scopra come creare codici <em>coupon</em> statici Square Online. Poi, aggiunga dei codici <em>coupon</em> alle sue e-mail Klaviyo per incentivare i nuovi abbonati e i clienti passati a fare un acquisto.
Customize your templates and content
Create branded, hyper-personalized messages at scale using custom built templates, product feeds, and coupon codes. Part 4/8.
Dynamic <em>coupon</em> code for every three products purchased?

Hi, this takes a bit long to explain. But we have this loyalty program where customers get a 33 % discount whenever they buy three products. They can use this discount on their next buy for a fourth product. 

We have Klaviyo integrated with Magento 2.

So, the way I would like to set it up is:

  1. Set a segment: customers who bought three products.
  1. Set a flow: send dynamically generated code.

This part seems easy.

The tricky part is, how to count products ordered across various purchases?

For example. It is typical customers buy 5 products for a certain discount. So two products would have to wait for another purchase to make a customer eligible for another 33 % discount coupon.

And how would I reset the count once a customer gets a code. I probably can’t filter him our from entering the flow again.

I hope this is not confusing, but if anyone has ever done something similar, I will be very grateful. Thank you. 


What is the difference between uploading your shopify coupon codes vs using a Klaviyo created coupon code? Just trying to determine which is better for my Flow series.

Please advise, thank you! 


If a dynamic <em>coupon</em> is used by the customer and then an email is sent with that same prefix, would a new <em>coupon</em> be created?

Hi again!

I have a question regarding dynamic coupons on Klaviyo. The thing is that I want to send a reminder of my welcome discount, but in a different flow, i.e. browse abandonment.

The situation is that I don't want to create new coupons, I just want to remind users who received it and haven't used it that they have the possibility to do so. 

I was trying to set the "has made zero purchases using discount code XXXX" filter, but according to what I researched in other posts here in the community this doesn't work, as Klaviyo can't tell if the dynamic coupon has been used or not.

So, what I want to know is if Klaviyo considers as "expired" a coupon that was already used, since currently my welcome series codes have no expiration date. And then, if I were to send another email in a flow to people who had already used their coupon, Klaviyo would generate a new one for them, while those who haven't used it would still receive the same one? 

I'm not sure if there is a better solution to remind people about the dynamic code they received but didn’t use.😣 I hope you can help me, thanks!

<em>Coupon</em> code with expiry date in email flow (WC)

Hi all! 
I’m trying to add either automatically generated unique 1. Coupon code with expiry time (24h for example) OR 2. Link (with coupon code with expiry time added) that takes directly to our e-store. Since all the emails are going out automatically within the abandoned cart flow, the codes should be with expiry times according when they are automatically sent out. I really hope that makes sense! 
I can’t generate the codes in Woocommerce, since  Klaviyo doesn't support the webhook and we could not set an expiration for coupons that are used in the Klaviyo email, it should be set manually.

Pull dynamic <em>coupon</em> code from customer

Hey team!


I have a signup from which presents the user with a dynamic $20 off coupon code within the success screen.


I have created an email flow within the signup form that reminds the user to use their coupon code. I was wondering if it is possible to pull the coupon that has been given to the customer and include it in the follow up email. I can see that the coupon is showing in the customers active coupon section under my static coupon title.


Thank guys :) 


Can I use duplicate <em>coupon</em> codes for different flows?

Hi there,


I just became worried that my customers can get multiple coupon codes as I use different coupon codes in various flows.


The one that is troubling me most is my abandoned cart and my added to cart flow. 


My current abandoned cart has a 10% discount code (dynamic) valid for 48 hours that triggers 24 hours after someone has started checkout. 

Can I use the same coupon code that I use in my abandoned cart flow for my added to cart flow? I want to offer the same incentive with the same time-frame. 


Will there be a problem if I use the same coupon code or should I add a flow filter or create a whole new dynamic coupon code for my added to cart flow? 

I want to make sure they don’t get two discount codes that they can use.


Any guidance will be greatly appreciated.

Dynamic <em>Coupons</em>


I’m Having an issue with dynamic coupons. I’m using Shopify and I created my coupon 


Here is my email on Klaviyo, which is properly set up as a dynamic coupon.


 But when I tried to apply my discount at the checkout, it didn’t work. 

I'm currently using static coupons, but users are abusing them by using them multiple times, which is not intended. Can you please help me?

Am I able to iterate through a list of static <em>coupon</em> codes instead of generating a dynamic code?

I am partnering with a different company that does not use Shopify for hosting and they will be providing me with a CSV list of coupon codes for a product on their store. I plan on importing these codes to my store and linking them to some test product, just so that I have them ready to send to customers.

On my store, I have a product with two variants, A and B. When a customer purchases product variant A I would like to send them a coupon code for the company I am partnering with. However, I need to send a unique code every time product variant is purchased, and using a dynamic code would defeat the purpose since I need to pull from this list of pre-made codes from the other company.


I have some coding experience, however I am totally new to Klaviyo and have only found resources for generating dynamic discount codes here. If there is another solution to this use-case I would be happy to hear!

Winback Flow <em>coupon</em> code

Hi everyone,


I’m creating a Winback flow, wondering if its best practice to add a Dynamic or a static coupon code?

If I add a static coupon code it could be shared but if I add a dynamic coupon code I’m unsure what the expiry date on this should be?

Missing "Add Codes" button in Klaviyo <em>Coupons</em> when I click the 3 dots

I created a shopify coupon in Klaviyo for an Abandoned Checkout Flow.

This code will be active “At send time”

And will expire “After 2 days”


Next step I need to do is to “Add codes” to this coupon code.

BUT there’s no “Add Codes” button when I click the 3 dots beside the coupon code name.

Therefore, “0/0” in “Available/Total” column.


Need help ASAP.

Can I use this code even if it’s 0/0 since I’ll be using it inside a flow?

I’ve read an article that codes will be generated automatically by batch of 100 when it is used for flows.

But I think there should still be the “Add Codes” button because there’s no indicator that I’ll be using this for a flow. Right?


I have a manager access in this Klaviyo account.


Please help. Thank you.

Magento 1 to 2: <em>coupons</em>

If I set up coupons w/ Magento.1, what happens when we upgrade to Magento.2? Will things break? Will they work normally?

Woocommerce <em>Coupon</em> Dynamic Integration similar to Shopify

Hello community members,

I need your advice. 

Is there a free method that allows connecting Woocommerce Coupons with Klaviyo?

I’d like to create a flow with coupon codes and send an unique coupon (with a deadline) to unique user.

I noticed an existing Shopify and Magento integration. When can we have Woo available?

Your thoughts on this <em>Coupon</em>-issue?

Hi team,

I’m working with Woocommerce and looking for the best way to fix my coupon-issue(s). I recently switched to Klaviyo and really looking for some help :)

I’m selling discovery boxes for $35. When the customers buys the full product within 30 days, the $35 will be discounted.

Right now I’m working with AutomateWoo: everytime the discovery box is purchased, it generates an unique discount code, valid for 30 days and autosends an email, reminder and last chance.

From what I’ve read it isn’t possible to autogenerate unique codes that are only valid for a set period of timee.


My solution

Use the Smart Coupons x Woocommerce plugin to generate say 100 codes. Make them valid for 1 year, upload them in Klaviyo and send them out to discovery box buyers.

(If you already know a better way, please let me know!)

The problem with my solution is:

  1. I have to manually generate and upload new codes
  2. I’m not sure if it’s possible to send 3 mails (initial, reminder, last chancee) to the same person showing the same unique code
  3. It stays valid after 30 days

As you can imagine it’s very important to send out unique codes that can be used only once. All help/insights appreciated. 


Gratefully yours,



Flow <em>Coupon</em> Expiration Date Dynamic Tag

Is there a way to dynamically pull in the coupon expiration date into a email in a Flow. I am generating the coupons at time of send and using {% coupon_code 'NAME_OF_YOUR_COUPON' %} in the initial email and also the reminders. I would like to put a date in the email showing the expiration date. 

I have tried {% expiration_date 'NAME_OF_YOUR_COUPON' %} with no luck. 


When do <em>Coupon</em> codes expire?

If I set a klaviyo dynamic code to expire on a specific date, does anyone know what time of day it will expire?


For example, if I set it to expire on 10/24, will it stop working at 11:59pm on 10/24, or will it stop working at 11:59pm on 10/23. 


Also, does anyone know if it operates in a specific time zone. 


Thanks a bunch!

How to remind a subscriber (in a flow) of their dynamic <em>coupon</em> code?

This seems like it’s a simple thing, but for some reason I am blanking on how to set it up. 


On shopify, I have a Welcome flow with a dynamic coupon (so that it can truly expire in X days). I present the coupon in the welcome flow (on the conditional logic branch that they have 0 purchases all time) using the standard syntax via Klaviyo docs. 

What I would like to do is on Day X-1, send a 24 hr reminder to people who still have not used the code (understand I may have to just brute force this by a logic filter of 0 purchases again) that their code is still good, but expires in 24 hours. 

My question is: how can I make sure that showing the code again is the same code as email one (day 0) and not a new code which starts the X days countdown all over again?

Thanks for any insight!



I want to send out different <em>coupons</em> (promo codes), based on the cart value. How do I do that?

Hey everyone. We’ve been using Klaviyo for our ecommerce for about 2 weeks now. I have an Abandoned cart flow set up, consisting of three mails in total. The first one is just a reminder, then the following two have a coupon (promo code) within them. What I want to do is divide the users in three categories, based on their total cart value (when abandoning the cart) - up to 50 BGN, between 50 and 100 BGN, over 100 BGN (my currency is BGN/leva). I want to send out 10% codes to the carts up to 50, 7% to the carts between 50 and 100, and 5% to the carts over 100.


I have three coupons set up with the respective promo codes, which are already set up in WooCommerce. I have also set up conditional splits. The first conditional split comes after the first email and it is set up as follows: “Has started checkout value is less than 50 since starting this flow”. If yes, there is an email with a 10% dynamic coupon. If no, the flow continues to another conditional split, which is set up as follows: “Has started checkout value is greated than 50 since starting this flow” AND “Has started checkout value is less than 100 since starting this flow”. If yes, on continues the flow with the 7% dynamic coupon. If no, my guess is that it automatically goes to the carts over 100 BGN and so I have set up the 5% dynamic coupon emails.


HOWEVER, as I have tested the flow with a cart between 50 and 100, I still get the 10% discount code, no matter that I should have received the 7% email. What have I done wrong, please help?



Dynamic <em>Coupons</em> apply to one-time purchase only, not subscriptions.

Is there currently a solution so that dynamic coupons can also be applied for subscriptions in combination with the normal Shopify checkout page? We are using Seal Subscriptions.

Using <em>coupon</em> in Email

I created a Shopify coupon in Klaviyo, how can I add it into an email message?

Get <em>Coupon</em> Code IDs for <em>Coupon</em>
Gets a list of <em>coupon</em> code relationships associated with the
Get <em>Coupon</em> ID for <em>Coupon</em> Code
Gets the <em>coupon</em> relationship associated with the given <em>coupon</em> code
Manage <em>coupon</em>s with the <em>Coupon</em>s API
generate the <em>coupon</em>. description An <em>coupon</em> description (optional). A <em>coupon</em>
Get <em>Coupon</em> Codes for <em>Coupon</em>
Gets a list of <em>coupon</em> codes associated with the given
Get <em>Coupon</em> For <em>Coupon</em> Code
Get the <em>coupon</em> associated with a given <em>coupon</em> code ID
Delete <em>Coupon</em> Code
Deletes a <em>coupon</em> code specified by the given identifier synchronously
Update <em>Coupon</em> Code
Updates a <em>coupon</em> code specified by the given identifier synchronously
Get <em>Coupon</em> Code
Returns a <em>Coupon</em> Code specified by the given identifier.Rate
Create <em>Coupon</em> Code
Synchronously creates a <em>coupon</em> code for the given <em>coupon</em>.Rate
Get <em>Coupon</em> Codes
<em>coupon</em> codes associated with a <em>coupon</em>/<em>coupon</em>s or a profile
Delete <em>Coupon</em>
Delete the <em>coupon</em> with the given <em>coupon</em> ID.Rate limits
Update <em>Coupon</em>
Rate limits:Burst: 3/sSteady: 60/m Scopes: <em>coupon</em>s:write
Get <em>Coupon</em>
Get a specific <em>coupon</em> with the given <em>coupon</em> ID.Rate
Create <em>Coupon</em>
Creates a new <em>coupon</em>.Rate limits:Burst: 3/sSteady: 60
Get <em>Coupon</em>s
Get all <em>coupon</em>s in an account. To learn more, see
Bulk Create <em>Coupon</em> Codes
<em>coupon</em> codes. Max number of <em>coupon</em> codes per job we
Get Bulk Create <em>Coupon</em> Codes Job
Get a <em>coupon</em> code bulk create job with the given
Get Bulk Create <em>Coupon</em> Code Jobs
Get all <em>coupon</em> code bulk create jobs. Returns a maximum
Add a custom action to a flow
that use different currencies. Mark <em>coupon</em>s as used once they
Migration strategy
Profiles guide. - <em>Coupon</em>s API Create <em>coupon</em>s and <em>coupon</em> codes for
Marketing resources
<em>Coupon</em>s in forms for email list growth | Klaviyo Product Features
Learn about using Klaviyo to include <em>coupon</em>s directly in your forms and improve your conversion rate and list growth.
2025 Beginner's Guide to SMS Marketing - Klaviyo
SMS marketing is the practice of sending customers and prospects marketing messages, promotions, <em>coupon</em>s announcements, and more via text message.
2024 Beginner's Guide to SMS Marketing - Klaviyo
SMS marketing is the practice of sending customers and prospects marketing messages, promotions, <em>coupon</em>s announcements, and more via text message.
Restaurant Marketing to Customers with Email & SMS - Klaviyo
Bring customers back into your restaurant with Klaviyo Email, SMS, and Mobile Push. One unified platform for sending messages that gets seen.
April 2024 Release Notes - Klaviyo
Learn about the newest Klaviyo features from April 2024.
The Ecommerce Customer Experience Platform - Klaviyo Customer Hub
Klaviyo's New Customer Hub delivers a seamless on-site cx platform, combining personalisation, merchandising, and self-service support to enhance customer engagement.
The Ecommerce Customer Experience Platform - Klaviyo Customer Hub
Klaviyo's New Customer Hub delivers a seamless on-site cx platform, combining personalisation, merchandising, and self-service support to enhance customer engagement.
The Ecommerce Customer Experience Platform - Klaviyo Customer Hub - Klaviyo
Klaviyo's New Customer Hub delivers a seamless online CX platform, combining personalisation, merchandising, and self-service support to enhance customer engagement.
The Ecommerce Customer Experience Platform - Klaviyo Customer Hub
Klaviyo's New Customer Hub delivers a seamless on-site cx platform, combining personalization, merchandising, and self-service support to enhance customer engagement.
Reviews | Klaviyo Product Features
Product reviews, powered by Klaviyo. Get the most out of your product reviews with your data consolidated in one platform.
Urban You earns 25.3% of bookings revenue with Klaviyo - Klaviyo
In this case study, learn how a luxury Michigan medspa is using Klaviyo to gather fresh insights and drive bookings.
The 2025 Guide to Conversational SMS Marketing – Klaviyo
Learn everything you need to know in this guide to 2 way SMS and conversational SMS marketing. From what it is to specific business text examples.
Welcome email flows: nurture new subscribers with these tactics | Klaviyo
Ecommerce welcome email flows - learn how to turn new subscribers into loyal customers with these data-backed tactics and examples.
Guide to Welcome Email Flows - nurture new subscribers | Klaviyo
Learn to build a series of welcome emails, into an automated flow, that'll turn new subscribers into loyal customers, with data-backed tactics and examples
WooCommerce Integration: Unlock Growth & Revenue - Klaviyo
Simplify marketing automation with Klaviyo’s WooCommerce integration. Create personalised email, SMS, and mobile push campaigns to drive revenue.
WooCommerce Integration: Unlock Growth & Revenue - Klaviyo
Simplify marketing automation with Klaviyo’s WooCommerce integration. Create personalised email, SMS, and mobile push campaigns to drive revenue.
Klaviyo vs Iterable: Comparison of Features | Klaviyo
Check out why you should choose Klaviyo vs Iterable. Klaviyo is an alternative for cross-channel marketing automation. Sign up for free.
Klaviyo vs Iterable: Comparison of Features | Klaviyo
Check out why you should choose Klaviyo vs Iterable. Klaviyo is an alternative for cross-channel marketing automation. Sign up for free.
Klaviyo vs Iterable: Comparison of Features | Klaviyo
Check out why you should choose Klaviyo vs Iterable. Klaviyo is an alternative for cross-channel marketing automation. Sign up for free.