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FAQ: 18. Februar Preisnachlass
Erfahre mehr über den Aufwertungsrabatt, der mit den Änderungen der Abrechnung vom 18. Februar in Kraft tritt. Wenn du Antworten zur Änderung der Abrechnung im Allgemeinen suchst, sieh dir bitte unsere Abrechnungsänderung FAQ an. Wie hoch ist der Wertsteigerungsrabatt?Der ...
Wie man Bewertungen zwischen Shop und Klaviyo synchronisiert
Übersicht Erfahre, wie du Bewertungen aus der Shop-App mit Klaviyo synchronisierst. Nachdem du diese Bewertungen synchronisiert hast, erscheinen sie auf deiner Website im Bewertungs-Widget von Klaviyound in der Shop-App unter Klaviyo Bewertungen. Über Shop-Bewertungen Shop ist ...
So richtest du eine Multi-Laden-Syndikation für Rezensionen ein
Übersicht Hier erfährst du, wie du Bewertungen für 2 oder mehr deiner Märkte freigeben kannst, auch Multi-Laden-Syndication genannt. Das ist hilfreich, wenn du mehrere Schaufenster für verschiedene Standorte hast, aber in jedem einige oder alle der gleichen Produkte ...
Best practices for auditing your Klaviyo account
Learn 3 tips to audit your account and keep your strategies fresh and up-to-date with current trends.
Drive repeat purchases with the loyalty program
Learn how to use the loyalty program to drive repeat purchases and boost customer retention through personalized marketing with Klaviyo.
Let engagement drive your sending strategy
Get best practices for building your engagement-based sending strategy.
How can I limit the number of results in API response?

I am using the get_lists API from the latest version with revision: 2024-02-15, and wondering why there is no option to limit the no of results I want in the API response. I nowhere found in documentation about how many results it will return by default. 
Ideally, the users should be allowed to put the batch size as per their requirement (under a max-batch size). 
Looking forward to hear back on this.

BACK IN STOCK doesnt appear! Please help

hello, I have a big problem and would be really thankful if someone could help me .


so I have the dawn theme and I installed the back in stock code and it worked. But later I don't know when exactly I noticed it was gone and it didn't show up anymore. maybe I changed something in the theme but as I said I can't remember. 


i have the original theme code and I would like to compare the two codes but I don't know which files I need to compare to find the problem. I already checked theme.liquid and there isn't any problem it must be any other file. 



does anyone have an idea how I can solve the problem ? Please help me thank you 

Sign up versus subscribers list


I have a shopify website and it is closed by a password. On that page I created a embed sign in form to collect phone numbers and ta goes to a list where every person that put their number on it will immidietly receive an SMS with a link in it to confirm their subscription.

Secondly i want another sms to be sent to them when they complete the confirm subscription link. I need help configuring those 2 lists, dont know if i need to check double opt in or single…


Please help me😄

Templates API overview
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