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Wie man <em>OAuth</em> für Magento 2 v2.2.0 und älter manuell aktiviert
Magento 2 Version 2.2.0 benötigt eine ältere Version der Klaviyo-Erweiterung, die keine <em>OAuth</em>-Einstellungen in den Erweiterungseinstellungen zulässt. Für Kunden, die derzeit v2.2.0 verwenden (Versionen älter als 2.2.0 werden nicht unterstützt), empfehlen wir, <em>OAuth</em> manuell zu deiner Integration hinzuzufügen. Wir empfehlen außerdem, auf die neueste Version von Magento 2 zu aktualisieren, um alle neuen und kommenden Integrationsfunktionen von Klaviyo nutzen zu können. Diese Anleitung beschreibt, wie du <em>OAuth</em> einrichtest, nachdem du die Erweiterung bereits installiert und den Webhook konfiguriert hast. Wenn du die Klaviyo-Erweiterung für Magento 2 installieren musst, sieh dir bitte unsere Installationsanleitung an.
Come impostare <em>OAuth</em> per le integrazioni esistenti di Magento 2
Questa guida spiega come aggiornare un'integrazione esistente di Magento 2 dall'autenticazione con credenziali API al nuovo flusso di lavoro <em>OAuth</em>. Visiti la guida qui se deve attivare la sua integrazione con Magento 2 per la prima volta. Se utilizza Magento 2 versione 2.2.0 o precedente, segua questa guida per abilitare manualmente <em>OAuth</em>.
Cómo configurar <em>OAuth</em> para integraciones existentes de Magento 2
Esta guía cubrirá cómo actualizar una integración Magento 2 existente desde la autenticación de credenciales API al nuevo flujo de trabajo <em>OAuth</em>. Visite la guía aquí si necesita habilitar su integración Magento 2 por primera vez. Si utiliza Magento 2 versión 2.2.0 o anterior, siga esta guía para habilitar manualmente <em>OAuth</em>.
Wie man <em>OAuth</em> für bestehende Magento 2 Integrationen einrichtet
Diese Anleitung beschreibt, wie du eine bestehende Magento 2 Integration von API credential Authentifizierung auf den neuen <em>OAuth</em> Workflow aktualisieren kannst. Besuche die Anleitung hier, wenn du deine Magento 2 Integration zum ersten Mal aktivieren musst. Wenn du Magento 2 Version 2.2.0 oder älter verwendest, befolge diese Anleitung, um <em>OAuth</em> manuell zu aktivieren.
Comment configurer <em>OAuth</em> pour les intégrations Magento 2 existantes ?
Ce guide explique comment mettre à jour une intégration Magento 2 existante en passant de l'authentification par credential API au nouveau workflow <em>OAuth</em>. Consultez le guide ici si vous devez activer votre intégration Magento 2 pour la première fois. Si vous utilisez Magento 2 version 2.2.0 ou antérieure, suivez ce guide pour activer manuellement <em>OAuth</em>.
Come abilitare manualmente <em>OAuth</em> per Magento 2 v2.2.0 e versioni precedenti
La versione 2.2.0 di Magento 2 richiede una versione precedente dell'estensione Klaviyo che non consente l'impostazione di <em>OAuth</em> nelle impostazioni dell'estensione. Per i clienti che attualmente utilizzano la versione 2.2.0 (le versioni precedenti alla 2.2.0 non sono supportate), le consigliamo di aggiungere manualmente <em>OAuth</em> alla sua integrazione. Raccomandiamo inoltre di aggiornare all'ultima versione di Magento 2 per sfruttare tutte le nuove e imminenti funzionalità di integrazione di Klaviyo. Questa guida spiega come impostare <em>OAuth</em> dopo aver già installato l'estensione e configurato i webhook. Se deve installare l'estensione Klaviyo per Magento 2, consulti le nostre istruzioni per l'installazione.
Cómo habilitar manualmente <em>OAuth</em> para Magento 2 v2.2.0 y anteriores
La versión 2.2.0 de Magento 2 requiere una versión antigua de la extensión Klaviyo que no permite la configuración de <em>OAuth</em> dentro de los ajustes de la extensión. Para los clientes que utilicen actualmente la versión 2.2.0 (las versiones anteriores a la 2.2.0 no son compatibles), les recomendamos que añadan manualmente <em>OAuth</em> a su integración. También recomendamos actualizar a la última versión de Magento 2 para aprovechar todas las nuevas y próximas características de integración de Klaviyo. Esta guía cubre cómo configurar <em>OAuth</em> después de que ya haya instalado la extensión y configurado los webhooks. Si necesita instalar la extensión Klaviyo para Magento 2, consulte nuestras instrucciones de instalación.
Comment activer manuellement <em>OAuth</em> pour Magento 2 v2.2.0 et les versions antérieures ?
Magento 2 version 2.2.0 nécessite une ancienne version de l'extension Klaviyo qui ne permet pas la configuration d'<em>OAuth</em> dans les paramètres de l'extension. Pour les clients qui utilisent actuellement la version 2.2.0 (les versions antérieures à 2.2.0 ne sont pas prises en charge), nous vous recommandons d'ajouter manuellement <em>OAuth</em> à votre intégration. Nous vous recommandons également de mettre à jour la dernière version de Magento 2 afin de profiter de toutes les nouvelles fonctionnalités d'intégration de Klaviyo. Ce guide explique comment configurer <em>OAuth</em> après avoir installé l'extension et configuré les webhooks. Si vous devez installer l'extension Klaviyo pour Magento 2, veuillez consulter nos instructions d'installation.
Como configurar o <em>OAuth</em> para as integrações existentes do Magento 2
Este guia abordará como atualizar uma integração existente do Magento 2 da autenticação de credenciais da API para o novo fluxo de trabalho do <em>OAuth</em>. Acesse o guia aqui se o senhor precisar ativar sua integração com o Magento 2 pela primeira vez. Se o senhor estiver usando o Magento 2 versão 2.2.0 ou anterior, siga este guia para ativar manualmente o <em>OAuth</em>.
Como ativar manualmente o <em>OAuth</em> para o Magento 2 v2.2.0 e versões anteriores
O Magento 2 versão 2.2.0 requer uma versão mais antiga da extensão Klaviyo que não permite a configuração do <em>OAuth</em> nas configurações da extensão. Para os clientes que usam atualmente a versão 2.2.0 (não há suporte para versões anteriores à 2.2.0), recomendamos que o senhor adicione o <em>OAuth</em> à sua integração manualmente. Também recomendamos que o senhor atualize para a versão mais recente do Magento 2 para aproveitar todos os recursos novos e futuros de integração do Klaviyo. Este guia aborda como configurar o <em>OAuth</em> depois que o senhor já instalou a extensão e configurou os webhooks. Se o senhor precisar instalar a extensão Klaviyo para o Magento 2, consulte nossas instruções de instalação.
How to manually enable <em>OAuth</em> for Magento 2 v2.2.0 and older
Magento 2 version 2.2.0 requires an older version of the Klaviyo extension that does not allow for <em>OAuth</em> setup within the extension settings. For customers currently using v2.2.0 (versions older than 2.2.0 are not supported), we recommend you add <em>OAuth</em> to your integration manually. We also recommend updating to the latest version of Magento 2 to take advantage of all new and upcoming Klaviyo integration features. This guide covers how to set up <em>OAuth</em> after you have already installed the extension and configured webhooks. If you need to install the Klaviyo extension for Magento 2, please check out our instructions for installation.
How to set up <em>OAuth</em> for existing Magento 2 integrations
This guide will cover how to update an existing Magento 2 integration from API credential authentication to the new <em>OAuth</em> workflow. Visit the guide here if you need to enable your Magento 2 integration for the first time. If you are using Magento 2 version 2.2.0 or older, follow this guide to manually enable <em>OAuth</em>.
기존 Magento 2 통합을 위해 <em>OAuth</em>를 설정하는 방법
이 가이드에서는 기존 Magento 2 통합을 API 자격 증명 인증에서 새로운 <em>OAuth</em> 워크플로로 업데이트하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. Magento 2 통합을 처음 사용해야 하는 경우 여기에서 가이드를 참조하세요. Magento 2 버전 2.2.0 이상을 사용하는 경우 이 가이드에 따라 <em>OAuth</em>를 수동으로 사용하도록 설정하세요.
Magento 2 v2.2.0 및 이전 버전에서 <em>OAuth</em>를 수동으로 활성화하는 방법
Magento 2 버전 2.2.0에서는 확장 설정 내에서 <em>OAuth</em> 설정을 허용하지 않는 이전 버전의 Klaviyo 확장 프로그램이 필요합니다. 현재 v2.2.0을 사용 중인 고객(2.2.0 이전 버전은 지원되지 않음)의 경우 통합에 <em>OAuth</em>를 수동으로 추가하는 것이 좋습니다. 또한 새로 출시될 모든 클라비요 통합 기능을 활용하려면 최신 버전의 Magento 2로 업데이트하는 것이 좋습니다. 이 가이드에서는 이미 확장 프로그램을 설치하고 웹훅을 구성한 후 <em>OAuth</em>를 설정하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다. Magento 2용 클라비요 확장 프로그램을 설치해야 하는 경우 설치 지침을 참조하세요.
Magento 2 연동 문제 해결하기
아래에 설명된 문제 해결 단계에 따라 Magento 2 <em>OAuth</em> 설정 관련 문제를 해결하는 방법을 알아보세요. 이 단계를 수행한 후에도 문제가 계속 발생하면 커뮤니티 또는 지원팀에 문의하세요.
Magento 2.x(CE 및 EE) 시작하기
클라비요를 Magento 2 CE 또는 EE 스토어와 통합하는 방법을 알아보세요. Magento에 클라비요 확장 프로그램을 설치하고, 확장 프로그램을 구성하고, <em>OAuth</em>를 설정한 다음 클라비요에서 통합을 활성화해야 합니다. 이 가이드에서는 모든 필수 통합 단계와 기록 데이터 동기화가 성공적으로 완료되었는지 확인하는 방법에 대해 설명합니다.
Solución de problemas de integración en Magento 2
Aprenda a resolver problemas con la configuración de <em>OAuth</em> de Magento 2 siguiendo los pasos de solución de problemas que se describen a continuación. Si sigue teniendo problemas después de seguir estos pasos, póngase en contacto con nuestra Comunidad o con nuestro Equipo de Soporte.
Fehlerbehebung bei deiner Magento 2 Integration
Erfahre, wie du Probleme mit deiner Magento 2 <em>OAuth</em>-Einrichtung lösen kannst, indem du die unten beschriebenen Schritte zur Fehlerbehebung befolgst. Wenn du nach dem Durchlaufen dieser Schritte immer noch Probleme hast, wende dich bitte an unsere Community oder an unser Support-Team.
Troubleshooting your Magento 2 integration
Learn how to solve issues with your Magento 2 <em>OAuth</em> setup by following the troubleshooting steps described below. If you are still encountering issues after running through these steps, please reach out on our Community or to our Support Team.
Risoluzione dei problemi dell'integrazione con Magento 2
Scopra come risolvere i problemi con la configurazione di Magento 2 <em>OAuth</em> seguendo i passaggi di risoluzione dei problemi descritti di seguito. Se, dopo aver eseguito questi passaggi, riscontra ancora dei problemi, si rivolga alla nostra Community o al nostro Team di assistenza.
Build an <em>OAuth</em> app with Klaviyo
Learn how to build and submit an OAuth app in Klaviyo by following best practices that reduce review time, address common issues, and ensure security and compliance.
<em>Auth</em>enticate your emails with a branded sending domain
Learn how to set up a branded sending domain in Klaviyo, which allows you to pass key email authentication checks like SPF and DKIM.
Use Google Postmaster Tools to monitor your spam complaint rate
Learn how to use Google Postmaster Tools to monitor key factors like spam rate, domain reputation, delivery errors and authentication status.
Klaviyo is unable to connect to Magento Server for <em>OAuth</em> Handshake.

Quoting this answer:

I have a question to "how to solve that?"

Because I am also facing a similar issue while integrating.

We ran into an error

There was an error while integrating your Klaviyo account with Magento 2. Below are the details about your error

Klaviyo is unable to connect to Magento Server for OAuth Handshake.Url tried was: NonePlease ensure that both /oauth/token/request and /oauth/token/accessare accessible


So if you can help me, it will be very much useful.

How to test the "Install" button in an <em>oauth</em> application's listing page in Klaviyo's integration page

I am developing an OAuth app for integration with Klaviyo. I can easily test the case where a user integrates with Klaviyo from my Shopify embedded app by redirecting them to the redirect_uri specified in the app setup. However, when it comes to the case where a user initiates the integration from Klaviyo to our app, I am unable to test it properly since our app is not yet listed on the Klaviyo app directory. Is there any possible solution for this issue? Please help me.



How to change Logo for <em>OAuth</em> 2.0 ?

Hey Klaviyo Community and Team,

I have created an OAuth client in www.klaviyo/com/oauth/client and generated a Client ID and Client Secret and used the same to connect to Klaviyo from my app. But whenever I do so, I am getting the default OAuth 2 logo in the Authorization page and I couldn’t find where I can change this logo to my customized logo.


Can anyone help ?

The Image Logo here



500 internal server error on <em>oauth</em> with magento2

The klaviyo extension is installed and configured correctly and integration is added accordingly as well. When we go for activation , we are facing the following:

We are getting 500 internal server error while trying to perform integration oauth with magento2 CE on a local machine setup.

The oauth page does not close and gives this error. If i press on close window and cancel then it gives me the message of  :

Integration 'klaviyo Auth' has been sent for activation.

and under my integrations tab in klaviyo i do not see it activated.


What am i doing wrong here ?  any idea


Getting Account details using account api with <em>oauth</em> access token

Hi , I’m Integrating Klaviyo in my project . I have OAuth authentication , where user can login  with their account . I need to show their account like account name , etc . can I get account details with access token . I have checked account api documentation , It is implemented using api key. whether it is possible to get user account details with access token instead of api key.

<em>OAuth</em> integration refresh token being revoked

I am a developer setting up a Klaviyo integration with our web app. Each time I create a new integration the access token and refresh token work for a day and then the refresh token gets revoked remotely. We are still in development stage and this is not accessable to customers. We do run some unit tests for accessing the API through our code with the OAuth token. I have noticed that our unit tests occasionally hit rate_limit_exceeded exceptions on the refresh token and also invalid_grant with the message “Refresh token has been revoked”

My question is, what could cause our refresh tokens to be revoked? It is not coming from us or a customer, and it hasn't been inactive for 90 days. Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Is <em>Oauth</em> needed for API v3 usage?

We have an integration that uses the older API’s.  For example I just make a cURL request to

Will I still be able to do this by passing the api_key with v3 endpoints or do I need to authenticate first with oauth now?  

And if so can I just convert to the lack of a v# like the docs say is not used anymore?  
For example: ?  is that all that is needed?



Klaviyo is unable to connect to Magento Server for <em>OAuth</em> Handshake.

I am trying to integrate Klaviyo with our Magento 2 store and for that i have follow the Klaviyo configurations. But i am not able to integrate Klaviyo with our staging store and i am facing below error.

Error :

Klaviyo is unable to connect to Magento Server for OAuth Handshake.Url tried was: ensure that both /oauth/token/request and /oauth/token/accessare accessible


Magento 2.3.4 integration <em>Oauth</em> issue

While activating the Oauth from magento then facing this error

Klaviyo is unable to connect to Magento Server for OAuth Handshake.Url tried was: ensure that both /oauth/token/request and /oauth/token/accessare accessible
<em>OAuth</em> replacing API keys?

We have an app in the partner program. But recently are being told that “Upgrade to OAuth for Continued App Listing”.  We need our we app to start using oath.   Is OAuth replacing the API keys from customers?  Or is this simply how our app communicates with Klaviyo?  But isn’t it the same thing?  Right now we have a customer API key and it allows our app to do stuff.  Now we need OAUTH?  What happens to the API key?


getting this error while following the documentation on configuring klaviyo with magento2

Klaviyo is unable to connect to Magento Server for OAuth Handshake. Please ensure that both /oauth/token/request and /oauth/token/access are accessible.


Can we get Profile Create or Update Webhooks without CDP Access ?

Hello Klaviyo Community,

I am currently using OAuth access with Klaviyo and have successfully set up webhooks for various events. However, I am looking to set up webhooks specifically for profile creation and profile updates.

I understand that Klaviyo offers both system webhooks and flow webhooks, but I have read that in order to access profile-related webhooks, Customer Data Platform (CDP) access may be required.

Can anyone confirm if it is possible to receive profile create/update webhooks without CDP access? Or do I need to have CDP enabled to access these specific profile webhooks?

I am primarily using OAuth authentication, and I am able to retrieve other event webhooks, but im not able retrieve profile creation and profile updates webhooks .I would appreciate any guidance or clarification on how to set this up for profile-related events.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Is there anyway to read shopify catalog item data through klaviyo API?

As an integration, I’d like to build custom product blocks in a template for campaigns/flows. Ideally I’d want to pull the product info directly from klaviyo api so that our integration only requires klaviyo oauth and not additionally shopify oauth. Is there any way to do this just through klaviyo apis? If not, is this something that might be on the roadmap in the future? To be clear, I don’t want to sync the catalog or be responsible for managing the updating of the catalog, I only want to read the data from klaviyo that has already been synced there through the Shopify (or bigcommerce, etc...) integrations.

Magneto 2 Integration Error "Missing required role resources"

Hi Team,

I'm encountering issues while integrating Magento 2 with Klaviyo. I've followed the steps outlined in this documentation: link to the documentation.

I'm stuck at the step to set up OAuth. Although I've saved the configuration and given a name, when I check the Integrations from the System tray, I don't see OAuth listed. As a workaround, I manually created it following the steps in this documentation: link to the documentation. However, when I activate and redirect to Klaviyo to complete the integration setup, I encounter bellow error.

“Something went wrong

There was an error integration the Klaviyo account *** with Magento 2.

Missing required role resources for:

Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Subscribers
An error has happened during application run. See exception log for details. ”

And when I see the logs I see the following error.

“223244[2024-01-15 11:04:36] main.CRITICAL: Report ID: webapi-65a511441f068; Message: Class Klaviyo\Reclaim\Api\ReclaimInterface does not exist {"exception":"[object] (Exception(code: -1): Report ID: webapi-65a511441f068; Message: Class Klaviyo\\Reclaim\\Api\\ReclaimInterface does not exist at /bitnami/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Webapi/ErrorProcessor.php:208, ReflectionException(code: -1): Class Klaviyo\\Reclaim\\Api\\ReclaimInterface does not exist at /bitnami/magento/vendor/magento/framework/Reflection/MethodsMap.php:137)"} “

Can anyone help me out is there i am missing something.

Thank you
Possible or not?

Hi everyone,


I’m building a tool for a client and i was wondering if the following was possible:


This client needs access to Shopify, Klaviyo and GA4 in order to onboard new customers. Granting access takes time and effort. I’m trying to build an app that allows clients to login and grant access automatically.


Just how you can login with Google using oAuth and grant access. would this be possible with Klaviyo? See the attached screenshot please.






Magento Integration Problems 2.4.5 permissions errors

My first problem is that my rep told me to go ahead and sign up for our account a long time ago which I did. Now my 60 day free support is no longer available since I wasn’t ready to work on a full integration at that time. Its nearly impossible to get in touch with anyone now. 

The other issue is that I am having problems with permissions when i try to activate the oAuth. 


This is the error I get 

There was an error integration the Klaviyo account Ingram's Water and Air with Magento 2.

Missing required role resources for:

 Carts > Manage Carts

 Customers > Customer Groups

 Customers > All Customers

 Sales > Operations > Orders > Actions > View

 Stores > Attributes > Product

 Catalog > Inventory > Products

 Sales > Operations > Shipments

 Stores > Settings > All Stores

 Marketing > Communications > Newsletter Subscribers


how do I correct this issue

Is it possible make a Klaviyo App that authorizes access from the app to client's accounts?

What I’m trying to do is make a klaviyo business integration on our platform (which does e-learning).

What I want to do is have a “Add Klaviyo Integration” button for our customers (the site owners) that creates a pop up and authorizes access for us (probably through oAuth). I can build all that IF the authorization functionality exists on klaviyo. 

Anyone have any ideas?

How to integrate my application with Klaviyo?

Hi Community,

I am building a data visualization and analytics platform and wanted to allow people to connect their klaviyo account and see their data in our application. However, I can not find any details about an Oauth connection on Klaviyo. 

Is there any way for us to allow our users to connect their klaviyo account to our product with a few clicks (Oauth flow)? If no whats the general way to achieve this? 


Magento 2.4.1 Integration Issue

Following the instruction to install the extension for magento 2.4.1 I came across an error when activating the integration. Once click integrate Magento 2 on the popup window, I was told the error message below. I double checked the API details are correct, and also the firewall Sucuri is not blocking Klaviyo. Anyone has experienced the same issue? 


There was an error while integrating your Klaviyo account with Magento 2. Below are the details about your error

Klaviyo is unable to connect to Magento Server for OAuth Handshake.Url tried was: https://www.xxxxxx/oauth/token/requestPlease ensure that both /oauth/token/request and /oauth/token/accessare accessible
How to Get Webhooks for Profile Creation or Profile Updates without Using CDP ?

Hi Klaviyo Community,

I am trying get webhook events for profile creation or profile updates. However, I am unable to find any webhook topics like create-profile or update-profile in my account.

I am not using the CDP (Customer Data Platform), but I do have an access token and am using OAuth for authentication.

Could someone guide me on how I can achieve this ? Specifically, I am looking for a solution to capture profile updates or profile creations via webhooks.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!

Branding for app metrics
server and sending them via <em>OAuth</em>. Server-side <em>OAuth</em> events
Monitor your app
performance and health of your <em>OAuth</em> app in Klaviyo using
Submit flow templates for your app
templates for your app, your <em>OAuth</em> app must be published
Manage your app
and manager roles can create <em>OAuth</em> apps in Klaviyo. Learn
Get performance data for flows triggered by your app metrics
created by your app through <em>OAuth</em>. For example, a customer
Submit your app for review
Before you begin Before you begin, you should review Klaviyo
Rate limits, status codes, and errors
Rate limits Klaviyo's APIs employ rate limits against bursts
Authenticate API requests
You will learn After reading this article, you will be
Set up API-based transactional emails
In Klaviyo, you can trigger marketing content and transactional content
Webhooks API overview
Before you begin Check out our general API overview to
API overview
📘 We've updated our API versioning and deprecation
Add a custom action to a flow
🚧 Adding a custom action to a flow is
Join the Klaviyo ecosystem
You will learn Interested in building a standout integration with
Monitor API usage
Learn how to review your API usage with the API
Working with system webhooks
Before you begin Check out our Webhooks API overview to
Welcome to Klaviyo's API changelog! We frequently release exciting
Lists API overview
Before you begin Check out our general API overview to
Templates API overview
Before you begin Check out our general API overview to
How to add a webhook action to a flow
This guide is intended for developers with experience in setting
Make a test API request
Test POST request To check that your integration is working
Marketing resources
Trust at Klaviyo - Klaviyo
Security and privacy are foundational to how we continuously innovate and improve our platform, tailoring it to meet the evolving needs of our customers.
DMARC, SPF & DKIM email <em>auth</em>entication explained
What are DMARC, SPF and DKIM? Learn why DMARC is now essential for landing marketing emails in the inbox.
Thirteen Lune is forging their own growth path | Klaviyo Blog
Thirteen Lune is a beauty venture like none other: born after the iOS update, focused on <em>auth</em>entic content and dedicated to leveling the playing field.
7 strategies for ecommerce marketing on TikTok
Find out how ecommerce marketers can master TikTok to boost engagement, reach, and sales.
What is GDPR & Effect on an Ecommerce Business | Klaviyo Blog
GDPR is the General Data Protection Regulation, which began on May 25, 2018. Learn about the legislation and how it impacts your ecommerce business.
Tech Partner Showcase 1: Capture First-Party Data with QR Codes Using Klaviyo and Brij Apps Together| Klaviyo
Capture first party data using QR codes in Brij and using Klaviyo to personalize the messages
Email Infrastructure: Why Is DMARC Important - Klaviyo
Fortify email security with DMARC. Learn why it matters for preventing spoofing/phishing, and get guidance on implementing this crucial authentication protocol.
Tips for Running Successful Email Marketing | Klaviyo
Noah Kagan, CEO of AppSumo, talks about tips you can use to optimize your email marketing efforts. Learn about strategies like A/B testing and survey segments.
TikTok Ecommerce: 7 Top Strategies for Brands - Klaviyo
Discover top TikTok ecommerce strategies and successful brand examples to boost your online sales. Unlock the power of TikTok for your brand with Klaviyo.
9 Snapchat Marketing Strategies for BFCM in 2025 - Klaviyo
Snapchat is a great platform to market through during the BFCM season. Learn how strategies like gamification or testing can add to your campaigns.
November Release Notes | Klaviyo Product Features
Learn about the newest Klaviyo features from November 2023.
5 tips to embed video in email
Explore these 5 creative tips for embedding video into emails to capture your audience and drive results.
Video in Email: 5 Tips to Boost Engagement - Klaviyo
Video in email is a powerful tool to captivate your audience and drive results. Explore these 5 creative tips to incorporate video seamlessly into your emails.
The Importance of Online Customer Reviews for Ecommerce Websites | Klaviyo
With over 94% of consumers reporting they check reviews before purchasing — growing and maintaining them is vital to your online business. Learn how.
The Importance of Online Customer Reviews for Ecommerce Websites | Klaviyo
With over 94% of consumers reporting they check reviews before purchasing, growing and maintaining them is vital to your online business. Learn how.
The Complete Ecommerce Advertising Strategy Guide for Businesses - Klaviyo
Ecommerce advertising is essential for growing your business across channels. Explore our strategies to drive performance and reach your audience effectively.
Guideposts grows revenue from flows 223.5% with Klaviyo support
Learn how this non-profit Christian bookstore collaborated with Klaviyo customer success to resolve unsubscribe issues and grow revenue.
The Complete Ecommerce Advertising Strategy Guide for Businesses - Klaviyo
Ecommerce advertising is essential for growing your business across channels. Explore our strategies to drive performance and reach your audience effectively.
Holiday email marketing strategy: 7 expert tips + examples
Discover email marketing campaign tips (plus 9 holiday brand examples) that’ll help you increase revenue—with a bonus SMS campaign tip.